Plagiarism, Referencing and Record Keeping School of Management Library Team
Learning Objectives 1.To understand what plagiarism is. 2.To know how to use the APA 6 th full guide to complete in-text citations and a reference list. 3.To know that a record keeping system is needed to help with 1. and 2. above.
Direct Quotation (obviously, but....) Don’t use too many direct quotes. Your lecturers want to see that you can interpret the information for yourself.
Someone’s work or idea You must give credit to the sources you used. Including yourself!
Don’t quote this source.....
.....first read, then quote the quality sources found here.
Unintentional plagiarism Is unfortunate, but you will still be penalised. You need a system to make sure you don’t slip up.
Plagiarism detection software used at Swansea University
Read widely, Create your own thinking research textbookjournal report Opinion – what I think
Referencing APA 6 th The Rules
Why do it? To show what you have read So someone can find your sources To show where you got your information
What does it look like? This is just to give you an idea of what it looks like. Follow the instructions given to you by your lecturers (handbook) on formatting your paper.
It’s a two part thing In-text citation In the text of your assignment. Looks like: Blah blah blah de blah (Author, Year). Reference In a list at the end of your assignment. Full details. Looks like: Last name, initial(s). (Year). Title. Place: Publisher
Where to find the guide Library Webpage (quick links) Blackboard/mystudies APA 6 th blog APA 6 th blog
How to start 1. Determine what type of source you are using: Book Journal article Web page Industry report Company profile Etc
How to start (cont.) 2.Find what information you need with the APA 6 th Full Guide Determining author (personal, corporate)
How to start (cont.) 3.Use the guide to help you format your reference correctly Double spaced Indented What gets capitalised How many authors (slide 20) Author names Full stops
How to start (cont.) 4.As you compile your list of references, remember they must be alphabetised by author surname
How to start (cont.) Determine how many authors for the resource In-text citation (pg. 6) Up to 2 authors 3-6 authors More than 5 authors Reference list (pg. 14) Up to 7 include all More than 8 authors, list 6 then.... Followed by last author
Worked example 2-s &origin=inward&txGid=F16291DF E420C79BFE0CBD298A9674B4.Vdktg6RVtMfaQJ 4pNTCQ%3a11
Worked example dfviewer?sid=154e3def e0- bf483cbba18a%40sessionmgr111&vid=4&hid=1 01
Record Keeping
Why do it? Easier to do your referencing So you know where you got what Record page number for direct quote (in-text citation)
Choose a method that works for you! Index Cards (old school!) Word Document or handwritten notes EndNote online (bibliographic software)
Brown, Samuel Money is the name of the game Chicago, Bullet Publishers, 1998 This book gave me some good background information about various selling techniques. Blah, blah, blah. Etc. etc. Index Cards
Word or Handwritten
Why EndNote Online? Easy system to manage your references Import references from the library catalogue / databases = no typing in needed! Format a bibliography in the right style Links up with Word as you write your assignment
Getting Started Register at b.html (on a campus PC) b.html EndNote Web info: EndNote Web Workbook on Blackboard Library Support areaBlackboard Library Support area Download the “Cite-while-you-write” plugin for your own PC / laptop“Cite-while-you-write” plugin
Word Plugin
Try it out!
Remember! Plagiarism – remember the rules Referencing – where to find the guide and how to use it Keep track of your reading, writing and references
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