Fifty Days of Glory Outline of Readings: April 23 rd —Chapter 1 April 30 th —Chapters 2 & 3 May 7 th —Chapters 4 & 5 May 14 th —Chapters 6 & 7 May 21.


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Presentation transcript:

Fifty Days of Glory Outline of Readings: April 23 rd —Chapter 1 April 30 th —Chapters 2 & 3 May 7 th —Chapters 4 & 5 May 14 th —Chapters 6 & 7 May 21 st —Chapters 8 & 9

Fifty Days of Glory Chapter 8 Jesus and the Seven by the Sea of Galilee John 21:1-14

Fifty Days of Glory “Jesus had met with [the Apostles] at least twice before. On the first of the occasions He gave an initial bestowal of the Holy Spirit and the beginning of a recom- missioning for ministry in His name. There remained to be given, however, a full-fledged call to service, different from previous calls because Jesus was about to ascend back to heaven in anticipation of the Father sending the Holy Spirit.”

Fifty Days of Glory “This second call took place in the dual context of a night’s fishing and a simple meal.” “There are two focal points in this appearance of Jesus, and they are quite different from each other. First was the supernatural way in which Jesus made Himself known to them. Second was personal, intimate fellowship with Him at a simple meal.”

Fifty Days of Glory “There seems to be a frustrating tone in Peter’s saying ‘I’m going fishing.’ Jesus had already appeared to Peter once individually and twice to him with other apostles present, yet there is no record of any personal recon- ciliation necessitated by Peter’s recent denials of knowing Jesus. If Peter was just keeping busy supporting himself and his family while awaiting further orders perhaps he wondered if those orders would ever come.”

Fifty Days of Glory “Many of us also have a call from God and are waiting for it to unfold. …while waiting we are to keep busy in the usual spiritual duties of prayer, worship, sacraments, Scripture reading, service and fellowship, and also in the normal duties and responsibilities of our personal, family, and work lives. … Waiting for the Lord to call us does not mean idly waiting.”

Fifty Days of Glory Reasons Our Lord’s Supernatural Manifestations Came from His Spirit- Filled Human Nature:

Fifty Days of Glory Reasons Our Lord’s Supernatural Manifestations Came from His Spirit- Filled Human Nature: 1.He did not start His earthly ministry until He had been filled by the Holy Spirit in the River Jordan;

Fifty Days of Glory Reasons Our Lord’s Supernatural Manifestations Came from His Spirit- Filled Human Nature: 1.He did not start His earthly ministry until He had been filled by the Holy Spirit in the River Jordan; 2.He was often “drained” by ministry;

Fifty Days of Glory Reasons Our Lord’s Supernatural Manifestations Came from His Spirit- Filled Human Nature: 3.He periodically needed to “recharge” by going off to pray before returning to ministry

Fifty Days of Glory Reasons Our Lord’s Supernatural Manifestations Came from His Spirit- Filled Human Nature: 3.He periodically needed to “recharge” by going off to pray before returning to ministry 4.“As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.”

Fifty Days of Glory “While fishing was routine for them, the timing of these two amazing catches was at significant moments in their lives. These were times of transition from what they had known to what Jesus was calling them to be and to do. The first occasion … was their call to leave fishing and follow Him. This second occasion … was their recommissioning. …

Fifty Days of Glory “…They were not to go back to fishing now that He had risen but were to lead the church after He ascended and the Holy Spirit fell upon them. In both cases, their empty nets symbolized that they were being called away from something unfulfilling to something significant.”

Fifty Days of Glory “

Discussion Questions: 1.Jesus’ favorite appellation for Himself was “Son of Man” or “the human one.” Some of His favorite things to do were healing and casting out demons. He told the disciples that they would do the same works and even greater. How do you fit all this together?

Fifty Days of Glory Discussion Questions: 2.Rabbi Zusya was deeply disturbed by a vision in which he heard the question he would be asked at the end of his life. “… They will say, ‘Zusya, why weren’t you Zusya?” What are the implications of this for you?

Fifty Days of Glory Discussion Questions: 3.What is the biblical definition of the word charismatic?

Fifty Days of Glory Chapter 9 Jesus Restores and Heals Peter John 21:15-19

Fifty Days of Glory “

Discussion Questions: 1.How can triggers be sacramental?

Fifty Days of Glory Discussion Questions: 2.Consider the differences between forgiveness and reconciliation.

Fifty Days of Glory Discussion Questions: 3.Reflect carefully on the metaphorical implications of sheep-shepherd, fish- fisherman, washing Jesus’ feet or letting Jesus wash yours. Who does the work and who gets the benefit in each?

Fifty Days of Glory Next week: Our Eucharistic Service on Eve of the Ascension