You will see and hear the directions. You will see ONE picture. seconds to prepare. 45 seconds to talk about the picture recorded Question 3
Pronunciation Intonation and Stress Grammar Vocabulary Cohesion How well your ideas go together Question 3
3 points Detailed; descriptive Clear, precise pronunciation Limited vocabulary Pronunciation is sometimes clear Poor vocabulary Pronunciation is not clear No answer; not in English Question 3
Person(s) Landmark Scene SITUATIONS: Shopping Travel Dining and Entertainment Home Sports / Leisure
Question 3
Where do you think this is? This is a picture of a supermarket. What is the main image? People? Objects? Question 3
Describe the people / things make your answer more interesting the listener can “see” what you’re describing What kind? Color? Size? Shape? How many? Question 3
What do you say first? Order of adjectives Order of adjectives Question 3
This is a picture of a supermarket. There are four customers in the picture. A woman and her daughter are standing behind a shopping cart. The helpful shop assistant is working at the cash register. He is wearing a blue apron and a name badge. Another woman is paying for her groceries. There are some wooden shelves in the background. Question 3
ing inging ing This is a picture of a supermarket. There are four customers in the picture. A woman and her daughter are standing behind a shopping cart. The helpful shop assistant is working at the cash register. He is wearing a blue apron and a name badge. Another woman is paying for her groceries. There are some wooden shelves in the background. Question 3
2) What is happening in the picture? Actions Clothes Question 3 TEST TIP: GIVE EXTRA INFORMATION/DETAIL ABOUT THE SCENE What has happened? What will possibly happen?
2) What else can I see in the picture? Main image Setting –time? Other people / things ▪ Where is it in the picture? Question 3
At the top of the picture… At the bottom of the picture… On the right side of the picture… On the left side of the picture…
Question 3 At the top of the picture, there is … At the bottom of the picture, there are …
Question 3 On the right side of the picture, you can see … On the left side of the picture, there is a …
Question 3 corner
Question 3 upper corner upper corner lower corner lower corner
Question 3 left-hand corner right-hand corner left-hand corner right-hand corner
Question 3 In the upper left-hand corner… In the upper right-hand corner… In the lower left-hand corner… In the lower right-hand corner…
In the background, there … are many buildings. In the foreground, there is … a man playing the saxophone in the moonlight. Question 3
Ask your partner: A ) What can you see in the background? B ) You can see (blah blah) in the background. B ) What can you see at the bottom? A ) There is (are) (blah blah) at the bottom.
You can see mountains in the background. There is a road ____?____ There are trees …/ There are houses …
We can see a white tower in the background. There are ferries … / There are buildings …
You can see large rocks … There are boats …
STUDENT A 30 seconds to study the picture (quietly) 45 seconds to describe the picture (loudly) STUDENT B Listen to A’s answer Is Student A … speaking clearly? giving lots of details about the picture? using descriptive words? (i.e. adjectives 형용사 ) Give score Question 3
For example: 외과 의사, 군의관 In English? If you don’t know the English word, use a more general word
1) Introduction (where? Main image) Ask yourself: 2) What is happening in the picture? What else can I see? (time; top/bottom/ left/right/background/foreground) 3) What do I think about the picture? What do I feel/remember? Question 3
3) What do I think about the picture? People’s emotions …so ?…because? What do I feel/remember? Memories that you remember Own feelings/opinion Give reasons Question 3
1) Introduction Place /Main image Ask yourself: 2) What is happening in the picture? What else can I see? Clothes / Actions Time; other objects and their location in the picture (right/left/ etc.) Add further detail to your description (what happened/ will happen) 3) What do I think about the picture/characters? What do I feel/remember when I look at the picture? Opinions Give reasons Question 3
Do: Carefully study your picture; think before you start talking. Talk for ALL the time you are given. You have 45 seconds to do the task, use EVERY second. Practice the useful language (on the website; in your book, pages 23–29) so you can explain which part of the picture you are talking about.on the website Question 3
Don’t: GGet distracted; focus on your picture, focus on YOUR answers. PPanic if your mind goes blank. Take a deep breath, look at the picture and start again. PPanic if you don’t know the words for all the things in the picture; use general words.
Give reasons for your ideas. Example: She’s probably an athlete because she looks fit. Question 3