As long as I have legs I will run with the squirrels…


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Presentation transcript:

As long as I have legs I will run with the squirrels…

Arlin Rothauge on church size/style Role of pastor Role of pastor What people expect What people expect How church engages in mission How church engages in mission How church incorporates new people How church incorporates new people What kinds of people want to be part of church What kinds of people want to be part of church

Family-style Church AWA of up to 75 (median of 35) AWA of up to 75 (median of 35) Single cell church (extended family) Single cell church (extended family) Governed by patriarchs/ matriarchs (plus gate-keepers) Governed by patriarchs/ matriarchs (plus gate-keepers) Newcomers via marriage, adoption or birth Newcomers via marriage, adoption or birth Best are known for one vibrant ministry focus Best are known for one vibrant ministry focus M M P P G

Family-style Church Clergy Roles: Minister seen as ‘family’ chaplain Provide pastoral care at transition points Worship Leader Work with influencers (matriarchs/ patriarchs & gate-keepers) M M P P G

Value Add PM M P Family Style Church G Spirit-filled conversation with culture Spirit-filled conversation with culture Motivational faith sharing Motivational faith sharing Small group based adult spiritual growth Small group based adult spiritual growth Ministry gift discernment, discovery & empowerment Ministry gift discernment, discovery & empowerment

AWA (median 110) – families AWA (median 110) – families Has a ‘village/tribe’ feel – functions like 1 fellowship Has a ‘village/tribe’ feel – functions like 1 fellowship Organised around person, role & support of full-time minister Organised around person, role & support of full-time minister Best are known for 2-3 vibrant mission foci Best are known for 2-3 vibrant mission foci Pastoral-style Church M M P P

Clergy Roles Delegate authority, assign responsibility, recognise achievements of others Expected to attend all meetings Meet spiritual needs of members – preaching, lead groups, pastoral care Lay leaders role to ‘help’ minister Pastoral-style Church M M P P

Value Add Discerning church’s DNA – values, core beliefs, vision & mission Systems to embed DNA Members’ spiritual formation to support change Members’ personal mission feeds shared mission Minister able to work 'on' as much as 'in’ Coach and support existing and emerging leaders Link with wider community M M F P P Pastoral-style Church M

F F P M M F F The Church in Transition P Churches with AWA don’t fit into system that reinforces congregational culture Churches with AWA don’t fit into system that reinforces congregational culture Tend to burn up lay leaders through over- use > burnoutTend to burn up lay leaders through over- use > burnout Often need new staff, facilities & programs all at same time Often need new staff, facilities & programs all at same time Often conflict due to different expectations re style (programs or relationships) Often conflict due to different expectations re style (programs or relationships) Attendances can see- saw dramatically Attendances can see- saw dramatically

Clergy Roles Often caught in cross-fire of conflicting expectations re pastoral vs program style Often caught in cross-fire of conflicting expectations re pastoral vs program style Beyond AWA 140 minister finds it hard to relate personally to everyone Beyond AWA 140 minister finds it hard to relate personally to everyone High stress for clergy High stress for clergy Can often approach program size but fall back, resulting in frustration and burnout for clergy Can often approach program size but fall back, resulting in frustration and burnout for clergy The Church in Transition P F P M M F

Part-time ? Value Add Revision for growth Revision for growth Employ personal assistant Employ personal assistant Develop program plan Develop program plan Employ 1 program staff Employ 1 program staff Change & prune minister’s job description to transformational leader Change & prune minister’s job description to transformational leader Think/act like large church Think/act like large church Review site plan & facilities plan Review site plan & facilities plan

AWA 225 to 1000 : AWA 225 to 1000 : Small = Small = Medium = Medium = Large = 600+ Large = 600+ Critical mass of people from different age, cultural & interest groups Critical mass of people from different age, cultural & interest groups At least 3 cells (congregations) At least 3 cells (congregations) Leadership includes paid program staff Leadership includes paid program staff Known for quality & variety of programs Known for quality & variety of programs Program-Style Church

Clergy roles mission direction Lead consensus on mission direction Plan with staff & lay leaders Plan with staff & lay leaders Recruit, equip, oversight & support program staff Recruit, equip, oversight & support program staff Program staff recruit, equip & support ministry team leaders Program staff recruit, equip & support ministry team leaders Ensure excellence in programs Ensure excellence in programs Ensure adherence to church’s core values Ensure adherence to church’s core values Program-Style Church

Value Add Clergy growing via mentoring relationships Relational discipleship at all levels Small groups & mission teams Coaching for all program staff & group/team leaders Missional context shaping mission teams Clarity re DNA (mission focus, values, beliefs & vision) Systems & processes to embed DNA Board focuses on big picture, clergy & program staff on ministry leadership Sharpening program excellence Seeker sensitivity in all areas

Useful Books on Small Churches

The Cavalry Won't Be Coming Strategies for local shared ministry by volunteer teams in small congregations Dave Mullan, Paihia, NZ ColCom Press, 2003

Intimacy Levels in Group Settings Low High Small Group (5-15) Instruction/Fellowship (50-80) Celebrative Worship (120+)

Creating Strengths and Health for Your Congregation

Small is Strong 4 Futures 1.Small, strong congregations 2.Middle-sized congregations 3.Large, regional congregations 4.Mega-congregations

Small is Strong 4 Futures (2 easier to maintain) 1.Small, strong congregations 2.Middle-sized congregations 3.Large, regional congregations 4.Mega-congregations

Possible Scenarios CongregationsStrongWeakDying Small Middle Large, regional Mega

Kennon Calllahan, Twelve Keys to an Effective Church, Characteristics of strong healthy congregations 1.Specific, concrete missional objectives 2.Pastoral & lay visitation 3.Corporate, dynamic worship 4.Significant relational groupings 5.Strong leadership resources 6.Solid decision making 7.Several programs and activities 8.Open accessibility 9.High visibility 10.Adequate land and parking 11.Adequate space and facilities 12.Solid Financial resources

8 Characteristics of strong small congregations 1.Mission and Service 2.Compassion and shepherding 3.Community and belonging 4.Self reliance & self sufficiency 5.Worship and hope 6.Leaders and team 7.Just enough space and facilities 8.Giving and Generosity

1. Mission and Service Share one excellent mission Gift to the whole community Theology of service not survival –Mission begins with Decisive Events –3-5 people in team Mission is mutual – new helpers come from among people helped

2. Compassion & Shepherding Compassion-Driven Share sacrament of compassion –in celebration, in tragic times Live a theology of forgiveness Legend for spirit of a loving heart

3. Community & Belonging Open and inclusive Helps people discover family Serves multiple neighbourhoods –Relational, vocational, sociological, geographical, genealogical Lives healthy life as 1, 3 or more groupings

4. Self-Reliance & Self- Sufficiency Consistent spirit of self-reliance –Not dependent on denomination –Trust and hope Encourages creativity & improvisation Benefits from community resources Has reasonable pastoral resources

5. Worship and Hope Worship Services are: Warm and welcoming Stirring and inspiring (music) Congregational and sacramental –touches hearts, stirs longings for whole healthy life, advances understanding of life, helps people discover hope for week to come –Simple rather than complex Helpful and hopeful –whole service touches whole person with the whole Gospel

6. Team, Leaders & Congregation TEAM Capacity to see the whole, not the parts Diversity of gifts Appreciation of gifts of pastoral leader

6. Team, Leaders & Congregation LEADERS Imagination & Creativity Encouragement & coaching Appreciation of steps of loving, listening, learning, leading

6. Team, Leaders & Congregation CONGREGATION Spirit of continuity Appreciation of being informal Ability to pass the power

Solution to boss-led church –Not rotating leadership Develop & encourage competent leaders Add new people to leadership team Advance shared understanding of congregational leadership

Creating a healthy team Learn possibilities for team & begin to picture accomplishing some of them Match strengths of leader to the few key objectives to accomplish Develop & mobilize team to achieve these few key objectives Let the leader and team come into their own

7. Space & Facilities Adequate for mission –focus on building congregation, not building Both sacred and shared A blessing, not a burden A house does not make a home. People do.

Space Possibilities VolunteerRentalLeaseOwn Open Air Apartments Homes Offices, warehouses, local businesses Schools Civic & community spaces Traditional Church buildings

8. Giving & Generosity Informal giving Make available all 6 sources of giving Alive with the strengths for giving –compassion-driven, marked by solid financial leadership, developed with positive reinforcement With the grace of God, the spirit of giving is present with us

Sources of Giving 1.Spontaneous giving 2.Major Community Sunday giving 3.Special planned giving 4.Major project giving 5.Annual giving 6.Enduring giving

Living with Spirit of Promise Promise of our life together Promise of possibilities God gives us Promise of resurrection and new life