All About Me
Unique Facts Did you know that I am fond of baking? Did you know that I have over 150 fiction books? Did you know that I love the Jonas Bothers?
My Top 8 Books 1.Diary of A Wimpy Kid-Last Straw 2.Clarice Bean Spells Trouble 3.Diary of A Wimpy Kid-Rodrick Rules 4.Utterly Me, Clarice Bean 5.A Matter of Trust 6.Lunch Money 7.Lost and Found 8.Someone To Love Me
My Fav Hobbies Reading Reading Playing Video Games Playing Video Games Writing Creative Essays Writing Creative Essays Riding My Bicycle Riding My Bicycle Baking Baking
Movie Mania
My Favorite Artists Beyonce’ Beyonce’ Ne-Yo Ne-Yo Demi Lavato Demi Lavato Rihanna Rihanna Jonas Brothers Jonas Brothers Mary Mary Mary Mary Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan Ashanti Ashanti
My Favorite Songs “Diva ”by Beyonce “Diva ”by Beyonce “Halo” by Beyonce “Halo” by Beyonce “Tonight” by The Jonas Brothers “Tonight” by The Jonas Brothers “When You Look Me In The Eyes” by The Jonas Brothers “When You Look Me In The Eyes” by The Jonas Brothers “Conga” by Gloria Estefan and the Miami Sound Machine “Conga” by Gloria Estefan and the Miami Sound Machine
My Family
Future Goals 1.To finish college from Yale, Spellman, or Northwestern University. 2. To become the first person to find a vaccine to lung cancer. 3. To successfully write a children’s novel.