Talking Safely Online Let’s Chat!
Share Your Online Experiences! Can you ever really know if an online-only friend is male or female? Can you know for sure how old an online- only friend is? What’s the difference between Internet friends and in-person, face-to-face friends?
Reminder Talk to online-only friends with caution and never give out private information that could put you in danger in any way.
“The Right Answer” Handout Read the scenario about Sita and Cjcool11 and then answer the handout questions. You will have 5 minutes to work on this handout.
Think About It! Why may it be easier to share school problems with an online-only friend than an in-person, face-to-face friend? Have you ever pretended to be someone you are not? Do people pretend to be someone they are not online? What’s private information?
What’s Private Information? Full name AgeAddress Phone number Name of school address Birth date Credit cards Passwords Mother’s maiden name Family members’ workplaces Photos
Best way to chat safely is on a website that’s just for kids. Chatting Safely
There’s an adult monitor that checks the chat and messaging. They keep track that everyone keeps the chat on topic, uses good manners, and stays safe. Why?
Chatting Safety Checklist Student Handout Can you check off everything on this list? If yes, you are ready to chat or talk with others online. Sign if you checked everything off. Would you change your advice to Sita?
Listen To This Rap!! zKids/BoyWhoLovedIm zKids/BoyWhoLovedIm
Reminders!! Never share private information about yourself without first asking a parent or a trusted adult. Never answer questions that make you feel uncomfortable. Ask a trusted adult to help you report anyone asking you for private information to website owners.
Wrap-Up How are online-only friends and in-person, face- to-face friends different? What kind of information should you not share with online-only friends? What should you do when someone you don’t know asks for private information?
Talking Safely Online Assessment