Tobacco Products Manufacturer’s and Importer’s Report
Log in with the user id and password provided through the EDS registration process and click on the Login button. If you have not registered, click on the New User? link. If you cannot remember password, click on Forgot Password? Logging Into EDS
Filing a new report
The General Information tab will auto populate with information provided during the registration process. A Reporting Period month and year must be selected. A selection from the Amended? pull down menu is also required. Only if the report is to be amended, should “Yes” be selected from the dropdown box. Add the Report Submitted By name, which is the person verifying the submitted information. Completing the General Information Tab
Entering in Report Transaction Detail Select the appropriate transaction type.
If you know the wholesaler’s Florida permit number, it can be entered into the “Florida Wholesale Dealer License#” field and then “lookup” button can be clicked. This should populate the licensees detail. If you do not know the license/permit number, type in part of the wholesaler’s Name in the “Florida Wholesale Dealer Name” field and click the “lookup” button.
Typing in the license/permit and clicking “lookup” yielded this example:
A search by name yielded multiple licenses/permit numbers. Select the appropriate license by clicking one of the buttons next to it and clicking “ok”
The Invoice Date, Invoice # and Wholesale Sales Price fields must be filled out before the “Add Transaction” button can be clicked.
Screen shot showing a successfully recorded transaction
If necessary, fill out the price list page. If you do not have a price list, you must still enter an “effective date”. Enter the date in the “effective date” field, but do not add the transaction
Summary of Transactions is where the total of the transactions entered on the Report Detail page can be viewed and verified. This is also the page where the report can be saved and/or submitted. You must Save the report before submitting it.
Helpful Hints! Save your report often. This helps guard against data loss and is considered a “best practice”. TIP: If you are going to pause the report activity for more than ten minutes, save the report and close out of EDS altogether.
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Technical Support Contact EDS Support for technical questions or to report a problem. If you need assistance filling out a report, contact your district office.