CHARACTER COUNTS! SM the Basics The Pillars and Beyond
What do Folks say about Character? n “Intelligence plus character -- that is the goal of true education.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr n “To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.” Theodore Roosevelt n “What is right is right, even if no one is doing it. What is wrong is wrong, even is everyone is doing it.” Unknown
n Teachers affect all eternity. You never know where the influence stops. –Henry Adams
Why Should 4-H Be Involved? What Does the Research Say? n Values-based Education conducted in only one area of a young person’s life is not effective. n Message must come from multiple areas. n Message must be clear and consistent. n Adults and Educators must not only teach these message but must also model.
Mission of this Innovation n Develop School Communities that Value, Teach and Exercise Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship.
Local Goals of this Curriculum n Support Parents and Guardians in the development of character in young people. n Create a Positive School Community that supports Learning and Development. n Develop Students to become Successful and Contributing Members of Society. n Reinforce the need for a caring citizenry with good moral character.
Implementation of the Character Counts! Curriculum n Curriculum involves entire school community n Counselors will implement curriculum n Curriculum will be reinforced in all subject areas n Implementation will take place in all county elementary and middle schools (plans in the works for high schools)
T - Teach (Develop Serious Substantive Stuff) E - Enforce (Positive and Negative Consequences) A - Advocate (Promote the Ideals of Program) M - Model (Demonstrate Through Your Actions)
6 Pillars n T - Trustworthiness n R - Respect n R - Responsibility n F - Fairness n C - Caring n C - Citizenship
Trustworthiness n Color - Blue (A person is true blue.) n Key Terms - –Integrity –Honesty –Promise-Keeping –Loyalty
Trustworthiness n Be Honest n Tell the Truth n Keep Promises n Be Reliable - Do What You Say You will Do n Have the Courage to Do the Right Thing n Be Loyal so People can Trust You
Respect n Color - Yellow (for the Golden Rule) n Key Terms - –Golden Rule –Tolerance –Nonviolence –Courtesy
Respect n Treat other with Respect n Follow the Golden Rule n Be Tolerant of Differences n Use Good Manners, not Bad Language n Be Considerate of the Feeling of Others
Responsibility n Color - Green ( for Growing) n Key Terms - –Duty –Accountability –Pursue Excellence –Self-Control
Responsibility n Do What You are Supposed to Do n Always Do Your Best n Use Self Control; Self-Discipline n Think Before you Act n Be Accountable for Your Choices
Fairness n Color - Orange (divide an orange) n Key Terms - –Justice –Openness
Fairness n Play by the Rules n Take Turns and Share n Be Open-Minded, Listen to Others n Don’t Take Advantage of Other n Don’t Blame Others Carelessly
Caring n Color - Red (for the heart) n Key Terms - –Concern for Others –Charity
Caring n Be Kind n Be Compassionate and Show You Care n Express Gratitude n Forgive Others n Help People in Need
Citizenship n Color - Purple (purple heart award) n Key Terms - –Do Your Share –Respect Authority and the Law
Citizenship n Do Your Share to Make your School and Community Better n Cooperate n Be a Good Neighbor n Obey and Follow Rules n Protect the Environment
Decision Making