Welcome to Ms. Novak’s fifth grade class!
Daily Schedule Math concepts Language Arts Social Studies Science Management system Homework Policy Home/school communication General expectations How parents can help at home
Hand-outs with class schedule Ms. Flores Questions?
First half of school year: Numeration Addition and Subtraction Number Sense Multiplication and Division Whole Numbers Variables and Expressions Multiplying and Dividing Decimals Shapes Factors and Multiples Fractions, Mixed Numbers, Decimals
1. Reading Comprehension Strategies: Chronological Order Diagrams and Charts 2. Poetry, Drama, and Fiction 3. Literary Elements: Conflict Resolution 4. Writing Fiction, Research Reports, Persuasive Pieces, and Responses to Text
The First Americans/Compare and Contrast Age of Exploration/Cause and Effect The Fight for a Continent/Sequence Life in the Colonies/Make Generalizations Causes of the Revolution/Cause and Effect The Revolutionary War/Sequence Forming a New Nation/Draw Conclusions A Nation Moves West/Compare and Contrast States and Capitals/Main Idea and Details
Physical Sciences – atoms Life Sciences – respiration, digestion, and waste disposal Earth Sciences – evaporation and condensation, weather, and solar systems Investigation and Experimentation – testable questions, identifies variables, selects tools and records data
Table Points Star Students Think Sheets Responsibility Room Room 20 Purple and Yellow Cones Acknowledgements
The homework each night will always relate to what we learn in class that day H.W. Folder for Quick Check
Please me at
Procedures Character Counts Pillars
Reading with your child for 30 minutes every night and checking for understanding Checking out books from the library at reading appropriate level Checking Daily Planner for H.W. and completion L.A. Amount of Homework Worksheet Questions 1-3 Highlight where you found your answers in the passage
Did you sign in? Do you have Common Core Standards? Do returning students have forms to complete?