CPD - Continuing Professional Development
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) “Members shall take all reasonable steps to maintain their professional competence throughout their working lives ….” (Clause 1(a) of the Code of Professional Conduct, 1992)
What does this mean? “ at least once a year prepare a professional development plan for the next two years” “in any two year period undertake a minimum of 50 hours CPD activity” “maintain a written record of activity” “submit to the monitoring process”
Professional Development Events: – RTPI Conferences, Planning Convention, Planning Summer School, Regions, Nations, Networks, Association… On-Line: – RTPI website, good practice notes, journals, library resource… Getting involved: – Planning Aid, mentoring, committees, panels, Regions, Nations, Networks, Association… And…..?
Professional Networking Regions & Nations Networks & Association Regional CPD events Volunteering with Planning Aid Mentoring APC Licentiates
Support in the Workplace Planners in the Workplace – Employment Law Helpline – Problem-solving workplace issues Job evaluation, conflicts of interest, morale/building professional confidence – Collaborative Working Groups RTPI Learning Partners – Mark of excellence in training and development – Promoting and sharing good practice
What counts as CPD? Action based learning, work based learning Home based learning, reading, research Preparation of material Supervised and academic research RTPI activities (see above) Conferences, seminars and workshops Courses leading to qualifications (Part time, distance learning, full time) Based on PCAN1