Welcome to Kindergarten St. Sebastian School: A Catholic School of Excellence Mrs. Picarello (aka Ms. G) & Mrs. Pranzo
Communication Folders: main source of communication. The folders go home and back to school everyday and must be checked each night. Telephone: (718) our websites – – Mrs. Pranzo x304 Ms. G x305
Academic programs ELA –Macmillan/McGraw Hill series: workbooks and tests –Land of the Letter People: supplement Math –Sadlier: workbooks and tests –Manipulatives –Symphony Math: internet based learning program Religion –Sadlier series: workbook –Bible stories and activities Science & Social Studies –Scott Foresman workbooks –Hands-on activities & experiments –Theme-based – Emotional Literacy – Yale University
Schedule Children should arrive at the schoolyard between 7:45 and 8:00 A.M. During inclement weather children line up in auditorium. The bell will ring at 8:00 A.M. to begin morning assembly. Anyone that arrives after the bell rings will get a late pass. Begining in the 3 rd trimester, Kindergarteners that are late 3 times or more in a month will receive lunchtime detention. School will begin at 8:10 A.M. Class schedule (located on website) is not written in stone. Gym days –children must wear full gym uniform and sneakers. -Children should have an extra water bottle on gym days. Dismissal for Kindergarten is 2:30 P.M. at the schoolyard gate on Woodside Ave. Half Days – 11:20 A.M.
Center Time “Playtime with pizzazz” In Kindergarten Activities Room. Learning through play Different children in specific areas each day
Supply List Parents are responsible for cleaning products, a backpack (no wheels), coloring book and a change of clothes for their child. Change of clothes (in shoe box/labeled) Be wary of temperature changes throughout the year. School will provide the “school tools” for each child. Proper school uniform is to be worn everyday unless otherwise stated. (No sneakers) Please be sure to read the Parent/Student Handbook thoroughly. Label everything!!!!!!! Clothing, jackets, accesorries,etc.
Weekly Newsletter Posted on the website at the beginning of the week –Homework for each day that week (don’t go ahead) Homework is a reinforcement of what was learned that day. –Important events/ Reminders –A look ahead Please fill out the computer questionnaire. We must know if you would like to receive the newsletter by folder or view it on website. Let’s be green and save paper.
Assessments Homework –Assesses understanding of class work Tests –Math and Reading Book Reports –Book It! Writing notebook Science projects Portfolios
Book It! Program Pizza Hut reading incentive program –Goals: What books to read and reports to complete –Rewards: Students receive a coupon for a personal pizza after completing their goal for the month. Book Reports –The teacher website contains the instructions, due dates and book report forms for each month.
Rubrics Grading outline for assessments. –Found on website. Used for tests, projects, and writing assignments. -Symbols based on report card (+, √+, √, -)
What’s in your lunchbox? We have snack and lunch in the classroom everyday. Early dismissal days only require a snack. Lunch and Snack must be in separate bags. Brown bags that are not soiled will be sent home to be reused. All snack and lunch items should be healthy and nutritious. –Articles on website –List of snacks to promote an allergy safe school!
Snack –Water, milk, or 100% fruit juice (plastic or box, NO glass please) –ONE Small food item (from the safe snack list) Lunch –Water (different choice from snack) –Some type of complex-carb item, and protein. (e.g. turkey & cheese sandwich, tuna salad, etc.) We are not able to heat or refrigerate food items. Proper containers should be used for such items. –AND one small snack item (from the safe snack list.) Water is a must –Besides in a snack or lunch the children should have a small bottle of water for after recess or gym.
Birthday Celebrations Upon request we will celebrate a child’s birthday in the classroom. –Snacks can only be from the safe snack list. No drinks please. –Snacks should be sent to school with the child, not dropped off at the front door. –We do not advise that goody bags be sent into school. Save this for at home parties.
Miscellaneous Class Mascot journals –Starting in December Scholastic Book Clubs –Monthly – great prices –Teacher recommendations –Cash or check made out to SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUBS or order online with your credit card. Prayers Absences –Send in note with child upon returning to school. Copy on website. “Student of the Month” Behavior Folder/Chart
In Kindergarten we learn Independence, Responsibility & Socialization