Background Questions Why Brazil? Why Pernambuco? Why a DPL versus other instruments? Why gender?
Pernambuco and the Northeast of Brazil
Why Pernambuco?: The interiorização strategy
Why Pernambuco?: Pernambuco and Brazil
Why Gender?: Economic Opportunities
Why Gender?: Gender and Poverty in Pernambuco
Why Gender?: Importance of Gender Equality in Pernambuco Improving endowments with ground still to be gained: Higher educational attainment for females Relatively poorer health indicators Limited economic opportunities Low female labor force participation Wage and income disparities Weaknesses in agency Relatively high rates of physical violence Relatively high rates of sexual violence
The How – Motivation for the Inclusion of Gender in the Pernambuco DPL Concordance within the Bank among the Board, CMU and Sector Unit DPL focused on opportunities and equity Receptiveness of the Borrower
The How – Process of Inclusion of Gender in the Pernambuco DPL Clarity in the importance of the policy reform with the creation of a permanent Secretariat for Women Restrictions in the time period defined by the DPL Indicators opportunity to strengthen the focus of the agenda of the Secretariat Dialogue facilitating new perspectives and potential future lines of work
The Who: The Secretaria da Mulher Special Secretariat for Women since 2007 Focus on rights-based training Job training in non-traditional sectors for women Background of activism and advocacy Permanent Secretariat for Women in 2011 Elevated position in the political hierarchy Expansion into new areas of work Need to better define and develop into their new role Need for greater M&E to facilitate policy design and implementation
The What – Gender Component in Pernambuco DPL (Concept Stage) POLICY ACTIONINDICATORS Prior Action A TTRACT N EW I NVESTMENTS THROUGH : a.Incentive Policy for Attracting Investment; b.New Policy - Program for Industrial Infrastructure Development Level of female labor force participation (XX% closer to the national average) Prior Action A DAPT AND QUALIFY THE H UMAN C APITAL TO NEW MARKET REALITY % change in share of female graduates from vocational schools Prior Action I NITIATIVE TO ENCOURAGE STATE AND LOCAL PRODUCTIVE CHAINS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP % of female-owned enterprises supported relative to the total % change in female employment in small and medium size enterprises
The What – Gender Component in Pernambuco DPL (ROC Stage) POLICY ACTIONINDICATORS The Borrower has strengthened its institutional framework aimed at promoting gender equality through the creation of a permanent Women’s Secretariat (Secretaria da Mulher) to replace the former temporary special Women’s Secretariat, as evidenced by Law No of January 6, 2011 and Gubernatorial Decree No of June 14, 2011, which approves the regulations of the Women’s Secretariat. Increase in the number of municipal entities for women Increase in the number women who have received professional training Number of shelters established
The What – Gender Component in Pernambuco DPL (Negotiations Stage) POLICY ACTIONINDICATORS The Borrower has strengthened its institutional framework aimed at promoting gender equality through the creation of a permanent Women’s Secretariat (Secretaria da Mulher) to replace the former temporary special Women’s Secretariat, and the approval of regulations for said secretariat, as evidenced by the Borrower’s Law No of January 6, 2011 and Gubernatorial Decree No of June 14, 2011, respectively. Increase in the number public employees who have received training on gender issues Creation of regional coordinators in the 12 development regions of the state
Initial Reflections Importance of support from Bank management Importance of equity to policy agenda of government Highlights the importance of gender equity to an agenda of inclusive growth Definition of indicators critical to dialogue in shaping agenda