Learning Arabic HCT Sharjah Ghassan Husseinali February 6, 2014
Have you tried learning Arabic before? What made you stop? Do you think knowing Arabic is important to your teaching at HCT? Your social life in the UAE? Back home?
Arabic has 28 letters They fall into two broad categories: 1.Connecters: 22 letters – they always connect (ATTACH) to the following letter – Their shape changes slightly based on their position in the word (independent, Initial, middle, terminal) 2.non-connectors: 6 letters – they never connect to the letter after them – they have one shape regardless of position
Non connecters: ا و دذرزا و دذرز Alifwawdaalthaalarazaay Connecters: the remaining 22 letters. Practice writing and sounding each letter.
Connectors Can be grouped into sub-groups according to their BASIC shape. Today we learning two basic shapes covering 6 letters in total: – Learn ب and associates – Learn ج and associates
ب ت ث independent initial middle final ب بـ ـبــب ت ث
جح خجح خ independent initial middle final ج جــجــج ح خ
Practice Goals – Associate the sound with the graph – Identify connecter from non connecter – Write the 12 letters in combination – Read simple words
Points to remember A word in Arabic may be one segments or two or three or ….. كتبكتاباكتتابوارد روايات Due to the connector non-connector division Dots matter a lot; their number and location on the stem of the letter. There are 10 basic shapes that cover 22 letters in Arabic.