American Humanities Final Exam Review
Transcendentalism Ralph Waldo Emerson Various essays which include “Nature,” “The American Scholar,” “Self-Reliance,” and “Fate” Henry David Thoreau “Civil Disobedience” Nathaniel Hawthorne “The Minister’s Black Veil
19 th Century Poetry Henry Wadsworth Longfellow “A Psalm of Life,” “My Cathedral,” “The Children’s Hour,” “Nature,” “The Day is Done” Emily Dickinson “Some keep the Sabbath,” “To die—takes just a little while,” “Much madness is divinest sense” Walt Whitman “Song of Myself,” “O Captain, My Captain,” “Reconciliation,” “I Hear American Singing”
Realism Frederick Douglass The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Ambrose Bierce “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” Stephen Crane “War is Kind” Mark Twain The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Native Americans Native American Myths “How the Crow Came to Be Black,” “Sweat Lodge,” “Sun Dance Mountain,” “The Woman Who Gossiped,” “Coyote, Iktome, and the Rock” Black Elk Black Elk Speaks E. Pauline Johnson “As It Was in the Beginning” Sherman Alexie “The Farm” and “The American Indian Holocaust Museum”
Women Kate Chopin “Story of an Hour” and “Desiree’s Baby” Anzia Yezierska Bread Givers 1920s F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby The Great Depression John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath, The Harvest Gypsies, and “Woody Guthrie ”