Entrée:Sweet corn fritters Main course:Pizza Dessert:Chocolate pudding with mint ice cream
I mixed flour, baking powder, salt, pepper, an egg and creamed corn together to make a batter. I cooked the fritters in hot oil in a frying pan until they were golden brown.
We made two pizzas. First we made dough in the bread maker and then rolled it out flat in a big circle. The first pizza had cheese, ham, cranberry sauce and chicken. The second pizza we had was ham, cheese, bbq sauce and chicken. When I put all the ingredients on we baked them in the oven.
I mixed butter, sugar, vanilla essence, flour, baking powder, cocoa and boiling water then spooned it into a bowl. For the sauce I mixed brown sugar, corn flour and cocoa. We mixed this with 2 cups of boiling water and poured over top. This baked in the oven. I served it with mint chocolate ice cream….YUM!
I wanted the table to look nice!
Unfortunately dad got called out to a fire so we had to save his tea!
The foodPizza
Everyone scored each course a mark out of ten for a total of thirty. Here are my scores. Dad said he was so hungry that it tasted amazing when he finally got to eat it! MumDadHannahJosh Corn Fritters Pizza91089 Chocolate Pudding Total Score283024