Root Words, Prefixes, and Suffixes
What are root words? Roots are the main part of the word. In the word bicycle, "cycle" is the root. The word can be accompanied by many prefixes including "re" or "bi." The key is to find the part of the word that can stand alone, and in "bicycle" that word is "cycle." The root of the word, much like a plant, is the most important part because it defines the word.
What are prefixes? Prefixes reside before the root word. In the word "bicycle," "bi" is the prefix. The placement of the prefix is easy to remember because "pre" means "before." Prefixes can change the meaning of the word but can't change the basic understanding of the root. "Cycle" will always mean the same thing, but "bi" defines it as having two wheels.
What are suffixes? A suffix is located behind the root of a word. Can change the tense between present and past "reacted," whose suffix "ed" makes the word past tense. Can also change the word's part of speech. In the word "reliable," the root word "rely" is a verb; the suffix "able" makes the word an adjective.
THE ASSIGNMENT Design five slides in MS PowerPoint that include each of the following: Root word/prefix/suffix at top Origin (Latin, Greek, etc) *if available Definition/meaning (3) vocabulary words that use each root word/prefix/suffix and a sentence for each (3) Pictures to represent word/prefix/suffix Custom animation for pictures to appear after sentence using vocabulary word