Team Andromeda Lucas Ibarra Alexis Sutker Evan Long Jack Oblack Jaevyn Faulk Dylan Anderson Devon Connor Eric Hardwick 2 October 2012
Mission Statement Jaevyn Faulk Collect Ultraviolet Radiation –Compare data we collect to past data on sun’s activity. –Study how solar activity has changed throughout an eleven-year sunspot cycle and how it has changed recently. –Using data from previous flights and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) to find the change in activity of the sun.
Mission Overview Devon Connor Increasing UV radiation. Hypothesize that UV radiation levels will be higher than in past years. Determine if radiation is increasing or not. Harmful effects on communication and life on Earth. Solar flare cycle
Technical Overview Lucas Ibarra Sensors –Six light to frequency converters –UVB photodiode –Positioned on 5 sides of the Balloon SAT TW30SX UV Photo Diode SFE Light to Frequency Converter
Design Dylan Anderson Rigid Structure of Foam Core 15cm x 15cm x 15cm Two Camera’s Arduino HOBO Data Logger Arduino Uno Heating System HOBO Data Logger Canon A78 Go Pro 9V Batteries
Heater Block Switch 9V Battery UV Sensors Camera 1 (GoPro) Camera 2 (Canon A780) 9V Battery Accelerometer Temp Sensor (External) Temp Sensor (Internal) Switch Pressure SensorHumidity Sensor Altimeter 9V Battery Camera Battery MicroSD Card GoPro Battery GoPro Memeory Arduino Uno HOBO Datalogger Block Diagram Eric Hardwick
Management Evan Long Evan Long - Integration Dylan Anderson - Structural Design Alexis Sutker - C&DH Filming Jaevyn Faulk - Science Lucas Ibarra - C&DH Eric Hardwick - Power & Data Collection Devon Connor - Power & Data Collection Jack Oblack - Budget Management
Schedule Date:Schedule: Team Dinner Ted’s ( pm) Meeting for Soldering Arduino’s in ITLL (3-430pm) Meeting for Soldering Arduino’s in ITLL (2-330pm) Meeting in ITTL Group Work Rooms ( pm) Meeting in ITTL Group Work Rooms (1-245pm) Gateway to Space Free Class Period ( am)` Meeting in ITLL Group Work Rooms (2-400) ( pm) Meeting in ITLL Group Work Rooms to Assemble Proposal (12-4pm) Proposal Due (4pm) Regular Team Meeting (8-10pm) for CoDR CoDR Turn in and Presentation ( ) Review of CoDR HW 6 Due Parts list order form due (HW 5) TBDParts Arrive TBDIntegration Begins Regular Team Meeting to discuss CDR topics (8- 10pm) pCDR and Design Document Rev A/B Due (7am) Reviews of pCDR Regular Team Meeting for Assembly HW 7 Due Regular Team Meeting (8-10pm) for Flight Testing Mid Semester Evaluations Due Regular Team Meeting Regular Team Meeting for Final Mission Simulation Preparedness In Class Mission Simulation Design Document Review Due (12pm( )) Regular Team Meeting to check Final Assembly Launch Readiness Review Final BalloonSat Weigh in and TURN in ( ) Launch DAY ( pm) Final Hardware Turn In Final Presentations and Reports (6-900pm)
Cost Overview Alexis Sutker Budget ItemCostWeight Structure$ g Hardware$ g Cameras$ S&H371g Sensors$ S&H72g Dry Ice$ g Total for BalloonSat 1046g
Biggest Worries Jack Oblack Temperature (GoPro only good to -10 C) Programming correctly Sifting through all the UV frequencies after we retrieve data Getting everything done on time Integrating everything together properly