Western Europe is form by the countries located in west Europe. Apart from the geographic definition Western European countries are those associated with the Western European Union drafted in 1948 among non-communist European nations during the Cold War. Countries considered as part of Western Europe are high-income developed countries that have democracy and mixed economies. Most are part of NATO ( North Atlantic Treaty Organization ) and the EU.
France is a leader among European nations. It is considered one of the most modern countries in the world. France is located in Western Europe between Belgium, Spain, the Mediterranean sea and the English Channel. France major cities are Paris with more than 10 million habitants, Lyon with more that a million among others.
In France the government privatized large corporation such as Air France even though it is committed to maintain capitalism in the country. Being the most visited country in the world France earns the third largest income in the world coming from tourism.
Spain is located in southwest of Europe sharing the Iberian peninsula with Portugal and bordering France in the east. Although Spain did not engaged during the World Wars it suffers from a severe civil war that cause the transition to democracy in the country. After the death of Dictator Francisco Franco, Spain took an economy modernization that along with a growing economy became a champion of freedom and human rights.
Spain joined the European Union in Spain major industries are,food and beverages, metals and metal manufactures, chemicals, shipbuilding, automobiles, machine tools and tourism. One of the majors issues that Spain faces in this days is the economic recession that started in the 2008.
. Greece is located in the southern part of Europe, on the southern end of the Balkan Peninsula. It is composed of around 3000 islands. Greece political system is a Parliamentary Republic. The Head of state is Karolos Papoulias.
Greece primary manufacture products are processed food, shoes, textiles, metal, transport equipment and petroleum products. Its major domestic companies are Hellenic Petroleum National Bank of Greece, Alpha Bank, Hellenic Telecom. One the most important labor unions is GSEE (General confederation of Greek workers).
Germany is the second most populated country in Europe and its biggest economy as well. Germany is located in central Europe, bordering the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, between the Netherlands and Poland, south of Denmark. Germany is the largest exporter of machinery, vehicles, household equipment and highly skilled labor in Europe. Germany was hit hard by the recession in 2008 but by 2010 it has rebound more strongly than other European countries.