INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY And Impact on e-Government By R K Bagga
The major civilisational revolutions that have so far occurred in the world and which have profoundly affected man’s life and living have been The Agricultural Revolution Industrial Revolution The third Revolution, the Information Technology ( Info Tech Revolution) is beginning right now and this will have even greater impact than the other two ( CSI-95) The Twenty First Century : A Futuristic View General K Sundarji, Vision 2100, Konark Publication 2003
Demystify IT Changes? ICT Quality TQM, ISO, CMM,... Optimize JIT, KANBAN, s1980s1990s Client/Server Beyond (Y2K) MainFrames Information Age! PCs Y2K Networks Mass > Lean > Flexible -----> Agile --->>> Strategy SBP, Benchmarking,... Process/BPR/ERP/EC/ASP BPR, ABC, ABM,... Knowledge KM Wearable
7 Digital Decade (Bill Gates) CPUX2 18 month (Moore’s Law) B/WX2 12 months (Gilbert’s Law) STORAGEX2 9 months
MOORE'S LAW: The number of transistors on a chip doubles annually METCALFE'S LAW: A network's value grows proportionately to the number of its users squared GROWTH OF COMPUTERS
Moore’s Law Question: How long do you think Moore’s Law (doubling integrated circuit transistor density every 18 months) will continue to hold true? *Q7: Base = “ total ” (390) Moore’s Law
Open Source Computing Question: How important do you feel open source computing (Linux, for example) is for the development of new computer products and technology? (10=extremely important; 1=not important at all) *Q3: Base = “ total ” (425) Open Source Computing
INDIA’s STRENGTH in Relevant Technology Logic Driven Mathematics intensive Software Based (Primarily) Hardware Accessible (if Reqd) Dual Use Technology Can Impact the Masses Available Test beds
Case Study AROGAYSRI AP ( 24 HOURS SNAPSHOT OF ACTIVITIES/DASH BOARD Vital statistics of last 24 hours Medical Camps PeopleScreened Cases Registered Out Patients In Patients Preauthorizations Surgeries/Therapies Amount Claimed
Case Study on FEDEX A CASE OF TECHNOLOGY FRUITFULLY USED FEDEX TRACKING HOURLY REPORT ON STATUS OF CONSIGNMENT IF REQUIRED Tracking number: Ship date: Oct 12, 2009 Destination: HYDERABAD IN Estimated delivery: Oct 15, 2009by 8:00 PM Service type: Priority Pak Tracking results as of Oct 13, :43 PM CST Date/Time Location/Activity Oct 13, :23 PM PARIS FR/Arrived at FedEx location Oct 13, :51 AM NEWARK, NJ/Departed FedEx location Oct 12, :01 PM NEWARK, NJ/Arrived at FedEx location Oct 12, :31 PM EAST HANOVER, NJ/Left FedEx origin facility Oct 12, :45 PM MORRIS PLAINS, NJ/Picked up
Case Study on FEDEX CONSIGNMENT DELIVERY FEDEX - Our records indicate that the following shipment has been delivered : Ship (P/U) date: Oct 12, 2009; Delivery date:Oct 15, :23 PM; Sign for by:.SAYAMALA; Delivered to: Mailroom; Service type: FedEx International Priority; Packaging type: FedEx Pak; Number of pieces: 1Weight:0.80 lb; Special handling/Services: Deliver Weekday; Tracking number: Shipper Information: ROCKAWAYNJUS Recipient Information: HYDERABADAPIN (cont..)
IT (INDIA) SHINING (FEEL GOOD FACTOR) IT Industry.... US$14B Growth 50% P.A Exports US$12B2008 US$ 60B (35% of Export) Job Creation Lakh (Direct) Lakh (In Direct) Average GDP Growth ( ) % GDP Growth ( )..7.0% (Expected)- >7.9% Foreign Exchange Reserve... US$ 210 B
INDIA --- Simputer -Rs. 5K -Solar Power -Hot spot -TCS Model -?E-Choupal