Technology Academy 2009
According to the New Oxford American Dictionary: ◦ “A digital recording of a radio broadcast or similar program, made available on the Internet for downloading to a personal audio player” ◦ A combination of the words "iPod" and “Broadcast”
Audacity is a free program that allows users to record and edit audio It is available for Macs and Windows
There are many ways to use Audacity and Podcasting in your Classroom: ◦ Publishing tool writing pieces reading responses (see my website for book review examples) book discussions speeches ◦ Classroom news (see my website for examples) ◦ Interviews ◦ Fluency practice ◦ Lesson recording for students who are absent
Go to: Click on “Windows” and choose “Audacity installer” Click on “Download Audacity” and “Run” the program.
Screen shots from UCLA’s Quick Guide to Audacity:
Directions: ◦ Go back to the download page. ◦ Click on “LAME MP3 Encoder” ◦ Click on “LAME Download Page” ◦ Choose the link under “For Audacity on Windows” and save the program to the desktop. ◦ Run the program. LAME MP3 Encoder allows Audacity to export MP3 files
Screen shots from Faculty Instructional Development Lab:
Before you begin, let’s watch a quick tutorial on recording a podcast: ◦ tools/audacity-tutorial-tools.html tools/audacity-tutorial-tools.html
Take some time to record a practice track. ◦ You may want to plug in your headphones to listen to what you record. I will stop you in a few minutes to show you how to edit your track.
The video tutorials to the right will teach you how to do some basic editing. How to delete words or sections of your track How to delete words or sections of your track How to adjust the audio levels of your track How to adjust the audio levels of your track How to add music and effects How to add music and effects
◦ Click on “royalty free music” at the top of the page ◦ Choose a genre ◦ Click on “show preview” to listen ◦ Click on “download” and save to your desktop ◦ Choose a category ◦ Click on the orange picture ◦ Scroll down and click on “download” ◦ Save to the desktop
In Audacity: ◦ Click on “Project” and scroll down to “Import Audio” ◦ Click on “Desktop” ◦ Find the music you downloaded ◦ Click on “Open.” ◦ The music stereo file should now be in audacity.
When you are finished editing your project: 1.Click on “File” 2.Scroll down and click on “Export as MP3”
3.Choose the location you want to “Save in” 4.Type in a File Name and click “Save”
5.Fill in optional information and click “OK” 6.Your MP3 File is created and can be uploaded to your website as an attachment!
Simply plug the microphone attachment into the bottom of the iPod. Click the center button to record. Plug in your headphones to listen to what you recorded.
1.Open iTunes 2.A window should pop-up saying you have new voice memos. Click “Yes” to add them to your library. If you are asked about updating the iTunes version, just say no or cancel.
3.Click on Music tab (top left of the screen) and highlight the voice memo you want to import into Audacity. 4.Click on “File” and “Export”
5.Choose the location you want to “Save in” 6.Rename the file and click “save.” You are done with iTunes
Back in Audacity: 7. Click on “Project” and scroll down to “Import Audio.” 8.To find the file: Click on “My Documents.” Click on “My Music.” Click on “iTunes.” Click on “iTunes Music.” Find your audio file and click on “open.” 9.Your file will now be in Audacity, ready for editing.