Professional Life: Taught at: High school in Pennsylvania, University of Michigan; 1884 – 1894 University of Minnesota; 1888 Columbia University; 1905 – 1929 President of the American Psychological Association in 1899 President of the American Philosophical Association in 1905 Wrote over 300 books and articles on ethics, politics, philosophy and mostly on education. Progressive education is a reaction against the traditional style of teaching which teaches facts largely at the expense of understanding what is being taught.
The 2 main concepts: Respect for diversity – acknowledging student’s individual abilities, interest, ideas, needs, cultural identity. Development of critical, socially engaged intelligence – understanding and participating in activities within their community to achieve a common good. “We only think when confronted with a problem.” ― John Dewey “To find out what one is fitted to do, and to secure an opportunity to do it, is the key to happiness.” ― John Dewey “The good man is the man who, no matter how morally unworthy he has been, is moving to become better.” ― John Dewey
Put simply, students learn well when they are working through a project or problem. Have them teach and learn while you help guide them to answers. Also – embrace that each student is unique with different qualities and strengths. Play off of this to help all students learn. Realize that we are also teaching students to be well rounded people. So, incorporating activities that are informal, along with formal, so that they may learn both. Researching for papers or projects Group projects Teambuilding activities Science Fair Projects Creating Videos or Presentations
Education after John Dewey…. Progressive Education after John Dewey…. Now more popularly called “alternative schools” or “experiential education”. Examples of this can be found at: Information on John Dewey can be found at : Encyclopedia of World Biographies The University of Vermont Southern Illinois University Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy