1.National Corporation for Antiquities Service and Museums Shikan Museum – North Kordofan State Republic of Sudan By: Amani Yousif Basheer
General Information The Republic of the Sudan, is an Arab /African country located in North Africa, and Bordered by Egypt to the north, the Red Sea and Ethiopia and Eretria to the east, South Sudan to the South, the Central African Republic to the southwest, Chad to the west and Libya to the northwest. Now Sudan is the third largest country in Africa ( after Algeria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo) and the third largest country in Arab world ( after Algeria and Saudi Arabia ).
Location of Sudan in Africa
Map of Sudan and the neighbors
General Information Sudan was home to numerous ancient civilizations. Kingdoms such as ; Kingdom of Kush,Kerma,Nopata,Meroë and other flourished in Sudan along the Nile River. During the predynastic period Nubian and Nagadan upper Egypt were identical, simultaneously evolved systems of pharaonic kingship by 3300 BC.
North Kordofan state North Kordofan, located in the middle of Sudan. It has an area of 240,974 km² and an estimated population of 2,920,890 (2008 census) (3,340,000 (2011 estimate)).
location of North Kordofan in Sudan
Shikan Museum Shikan museum is one of the most famous museums in Sudan. It is the first one initiated out side the Capital Khartoum. It is name derived from a historical battle occurred in Shikan forest ; ( near Elobied, the capital of North Kordofan State ). The battle was in 1883 between British army led by Hicks Pasha ( the sixth leader in the army ), and Al ansaar under the leadership of Imam Mohammad Ahmad Elmahady
Shikan Museum The Museum was founded in 1962 but the official opening was on 25/5/1965 on the presence of Their Excellency 1- Elasharif Al-hindi, representing the president of Sudan 2- Elhady Almahady, grandson of Iman Almahady.
Shikan Museum The building is composed of two halls. The first one contains the antiquities of old Sudan civilizations (pre-history, Karma, Napata, Meroe, post-Merotic, Christian and Islamic civilizations ). While the other one contained the finds and documents of Shikan Battle.
Shikan Museum
The Entrance
The finds of the First Hall 1- Stones Finds:
2- A Polished pottery from Dabarosa island
B- Pottery cups
C- Pottery plates
D- Pottery from Karma
E- Pottery from Karma
F- Different Shapes of pottery
3- Different types of finds from Buhen
4- Different size of Shawabtis From Nori
5-Faience pieces from Napata
6- Copy of the head of Romanian Emperor Augustus
Second Hall- The battle of Mahadiya battle
1- Picture of Iman Al-mahadi
2- Guns
The folklore of the Sudan
Hirab of the Battles
Al – ahadia Dress
Al mahadia Drums
Recenty Recently a third section has been added for the culture of Kordofan State in addition to the tribes folklore.
Some Display of the 3 rd Hall
Conclusions Although the Museum is the first State Museum, but we need to do a lot of things to develop the display A group of The people (Museum Friends) put their hands together to help the official efforts so as to encourage people to visit the Museum. An internal and external exchange visit and Knowledge are needed for more development.