Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Current and Future Instrument Development Projects at Oak Ridge Lee Robertson Instrument DevelopmentGroup.


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Presentation transcript:

Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Current and Future Instrument Development Projects at Oak Ridge Lee Robertson Instrument DevelopmentGroup ORNL SNS/HFIR Final NMI3 Meeting Ajaccio, France June 2008

2Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Presentation_name Focus Areas  New Instrument Concepts  Instrument Development Beamlines  Instrument Simulation / Design Philosophy  3 He Polarizers / Spin Filters  Focusing Optics  Guide Development  Magnetic Focusing and Beam Transport  Monochromator Development

3Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Focus Area : Instrument Concepts SERGIS / SESAME (collaboration with Roger Pynn) Use spin-echo techniques to encode the neutron momentum transfer. Spin-Echo Resolved Grazing Incidence Scattering applies the techniques to reflectometry. Spin-Echo Scattering Angle MEasurement applies the technique to SANS (SESANS). The main advantage of this technique is the need for tight collimation for measuring small momentum transfer is eliminated. Also measurements are done directly in real space. Presentation_name

4Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Focus Area : Instrument Concepts Presentation_name Test of SESAME setup on Asterix at LANSCE Design and fabrication of the wedge shaped coils need for encoding the momentum transfer in the neutron spin. sample coil detector Asterix Beamline

5Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Focus Area : Instrument Concepts Current Effort:  Roger Pynn’s group is building a SESAME development beamline at LENS (Indiana Univ.)  We are building a SERGIS development beamline at the HFIR.  We have designed and are now fabricating the third generation of coils for spin-echo encoding the momentum transfer. Presentation_name

6Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Focus Area : Instrument Concepts Other instrument types of interest are:  MIEZE (Modulated Intensity Experiment with Zero Effort) – We plan to build a MIEZE development beamline in the future, possibly in collaboration with Roland Gähler.  Neutron Imaging – We are building an imaging development beamline in collaboration with Hassina Bilheux at HFIR. Fine focus using K-B mirrors for studying biological systems.  Instruments that take advantage of repetition rate multiplication. Presentation_name

7Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Focus Area : Instrument Development Beamlines Presentation_name SERGIS/MIEZE Sample Alignment Monochromatic: Imaging/Optics Pulsed: Instrument Development/Optics HFIR Development Beamlines Cold Guide #1 (CG1) Operational in November 2008

8Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Focus Area: Design Philosophy There is a need to better integrate source/moderator development with beamline and instrument design. (FRMII and JPARC did a fairly good job, SNS and OPAL did OK) Schedule, politics, and funding often drive us to specify the source parameters based on a cursory survey of generic instrument types we might want to build. Detailed instrument designs begin so late in the process that optimizing the source configuration becomes difficult. At Oak Ridge, we are attempting to address this issue by fostering a stronger scientific link between the neutron scattering and source development groups. (STS2, HB2 cold source) Presentation_name

9Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Focus Area: Instrument Simulations  We are working on better software tools to couple moderator/source design and optimization with that of the instruments.  We are developing “canned” simulation packages of the existing instruments for scientists to use when planning there experiments and analyzing their data.  We are working on new computational methods that will allow us to combine the ability to handle complex geometries with the insight one obtains from phase space analysis. Presentation_name

10Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Focus Area: 3 He Polarizers and Analyzers Presentation_name In-situ polarizer / analyzer Completed: compact in-situ polarizer (developed and used at IPNS). Completed: switching of +/– spin state using the adiabatic-fast-passage (AFP) technique. Current: Analyzer for SNS magnetism reflectometer. Future: Side-pumped in-situ system. Laser optics Coils & Shield Oven 3He3He Neutron Beam

11Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Focus Area: 3 He Polarizers and Analyzers Presentation_name Wide-angle analyzer for HYSPEC Current: wide-angle quartz cell. Current: uniform-field coils for use on the instrument. Future: compact polarized gas filling station. No stress point seen under polarized light Depolarized gas recycling Polarized gas transfer Wide-angle analyzer

12Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Focus Area: 3 He Polarizers and Analyzers Presentation_name SEOP-based polarized 3 He filling station Current: establish temperature, laser power, and alkali metal requirements. Current: assembly and testing of gas-supply system. Current: construction of gas-polarizing system To dry pump 3 He 4 He Regulator Getter Baratron N2 Regulator Baratron Regulator Baratron Getter To turbo pump To filter cell Polarize Sealed cell preparation Valved cell Sealed cell preparation

13Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Focus Area: Focusing Optics Presentation_name Collaboration with Gene Ice (ORNL) to apply Focusing using Kirkpatrick-Baez mirrors on Neutron scattering instruments. The mirror in the photograph will be used on the single crystal diffractometer at the SNS. We are also experimenting with the use of Wolter mirrors for focusing the neutron beam.

14Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Focus Area: Guide Development  Materials science study of guide degradation and lifetime.  Optimize guide configurations for specific applications (parabolic, tapered, elliptic, ballistic).  Experiment with using capillary optics (developed for x-rays) for focusing the beam.  Experiment with various surface treatments (etc.) to improve the performance of supermirror coatings. Presentation_name

15Managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy Five Year Plan Short Term Goals: Guide characterization and measurement setup (guide mouse) Integrate phase space modeling with Monte Carlo techniques Design and application of supermirror polarizers HFIR instrument development beamline (SERGIS, MIEZE, Imaging, Optics) Advanced 3 He polarization capabilities (in-situ pumping, filling stations) Intermediate Term Goals: Research into guide stability (substrate deterioration, interface mixing) Ability to fabricate small supermirrors for testing fabrication process Explore sample polarization techniques (Hydrogen, etc.) SNS instrument development beamline (TISANS, repetition rate multiplication, cross-section measurement, Optics, pulse-probe applications) Long Term Goals: Propose new instrument concepts for SNS 2 nd target station Develop magnetic beam transport techniques Develop magnetic focusing techniques Capability to fabricate larger, more complex guide components Presentation_name