skyscraper (n) What kind of word is this? A compound word! SKY + SCRAPE (?)
skyscraper (n) A very tall building There are a lot of skyscrapers in this city. - Do you know any famous skyscrapers?
collage (n) NOT college! A work of art made with a patchwork of materials (paper, cloth, wood…)
collage (n) We made collages in art class yesterday.
barbecue (n/v) (n) an outdoor party with food cooked on a grill We had a barbecue last weekend.
barbecue (n/v) (v) to cook food over a fire Let’s barbecue some frog legs.
barbecued (adj) Yum! I love barbecued vegetables.
glorious (adj) 1. Having or deserving fame or honor She had a glorious career as a tennis player. 2. Very beautiful Look at the glorious sunset!
glorious (adj) Synonyms Antonyms
strut (v) To walk in a proud and confident way They strutted back to the classroom after winning the dodgeball game.
flick(v) A short, quick movement The artist flicked her paintbrush again and again to make this painting.
swarm(n/v) (n) a large number of (insects) moving together There’s a swarm of bees coming!
swarm(n/v) (v) to move in a large group People swarmed onto the train.