Health Insurance Coverage of the Nonelderly, 2010 * Medicaid also includes other public programs: CHIP, other state programs, Medicare and military-related.


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Presentation transcript:

Health Insurance Coverage of the Nonelderly, 2010 * Medicaid also includes other public programs: CHIP, other state programs, Medicare and military-related coverage. Numbers may not sum to 100 due to rounding. SOURCE: KCMU/Urban Institute analysis of 2011 ASEC Supplement to the CPS. Private Non-Group Medicaid* Employer- Sponsored Insurance Uninsured 266 M Nonelderly

Medicaid plays a critical role for selected populations SOURCE: Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured and Urban Institute analysis of ASEC Supplement to the CPS; Birth data from Maternal and Child Health Update: States Increase Eligibility for Children's Health in 2007, National Governors Association, 2008; Medicare data from USDHHS. Percent with Medicaid coverage: Families Aged & Disabled

Medicaid Facilitates Access to Care for Nonelderly Adults In past 12 months. Respondents who said usual source of care was the emergency room were included among those not having a usual source of care. All differences between the uninsured and the two insurance groups are statistically significant (p<0.05). SOURCE: KCMU analysis of 2011 NHIS data.

The elderly and disabled account for the majority of Medicaid spending NOTE: Percentages may not sum to 100 due to rounding. SOURCE: KCMU/Urban Institute estimates based on data from FY 2009 MSIS and CMS-64, MSIS FY 2008 data were used for MA, PA, UT, and WI, but adjusted to 2009 CMS-64. FY 2009 = 62.6 millionFY 2009 = $346.5 billion

Medicaid spending growth per capita was slower than private health care spending from 2007 to Note: Acute Care includes payments to managed care plans. Source: Medicaid estimates from Urban Institute analysis of data from the Medicaid Statistical Information System (MSIS), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Form 64, and Kaiser Commission and Health Management Associates data, Private health insurance and GDP data from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office of the Actuary, National Health Statistics Group, Medical care CPI from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index Detail Report Tables, 2011.

Expanding Coverage Under the Affordable Care Act * Medicaid also includes other public programs: CHIP, other state programs, Medicare and military-related coverage. The federal poverty level for a family of three in 2012 is $19,090. Numbers may not add to 100 due to rounding. SOURCE: KCMU/Urban Institute analysis of 2011 ASEC Supplement to the CPS. <139% (Medicaid) Federal Poverty Level % (Subsidies) 400%+ Private Non- Group Medicaid* Employer- Sponsored Insurance Uninsured 266 M Nonelderly

Uninsured Adults By Income, 2010 Total Uninsured Nonelderly Adults= 41.2 Million Adults includes all individuals aged The federal poverty level for a family of three in 2010 was $18,210. Percentages may not sum to 100 due to rounding. SOURCE: KCMU/Urban Institute analysis of March 2011 Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement. 48% (19.6 M) 52% (21.6 M)

The Federal Government Will Pay for the Large Majority of Medicaid Coverage Costs in Health Reform Note: Adults less than 133% FPL under standard participation scenario. SOURCE: Analysis for KCMU by The Urban Institute, May 2010 Total: $464.7 billion over Federal 95.4% $443.5 Billion State: 4.5% $21.1 Billion