Trust, relationships and the foundations of Devolution Devolution and Complex Areas
Welcome to Staffordshire!
Centre of UK 2 theme parks – Alton Towers and Drayton Manor Peak District National Park 2 League clubs – Stoke City and Burton Albion A cathedral city – Lichfield The National Memorial Arboretum
Welcome to Staffordshire! 1.1 million residents Growing economy - £18.7bn GVA More jobs being created Low and falling unemployment Wages going up
Welcome to Staffordshire! Great location linking Northern Powerhouse and Midlands Engine Room Great connectivity – road, rail & air Strength in advanced manufacturing – JCB, JLR But Low productivity Low entrepreneurship Low skill levels Distressed health economy
Partnerships 1 county, 1 city (unitary), 8 districts – 2 tier with a unitary city 6 Clinical Commissioning Groups 2 Health and Wellbeing Boards 1 Local Enterprise Partnership or 2?
Devolution Big cities agenda – counties playing catch up County vs City County vs Districts LBYO (Leading Beyond Your Organisation) Leaders’ Board
Devolution concerns Three tiers? Reorganisation by the back door? West Midlands Combined authority Housing need Mayoral model
Devolution opportunities Geography – bridge between north and midlands Complementarities between urban and rural areas Skills De-ringfencing the £7bn Recasting the two-tier relationship Health and care integration
Devolution process statement of intent by end of July – unity LEP/business involvement ambition conversation with government – generational opportunity no second chance?