Advanced Occupancy System Mitch Williams Adam Winter Shane Woolwine
Introduction It is our goal to develop a new sensory system that will allow a system operator to determine the availability of an area of interest. Sensor results are conveyed to a remotely located system display. This new system is based on a collection of existing technology that will be used to collect real time data within a perimeter of operation. Three situations concerning area of interest availability have been identified. An individual is located in an AOI. Objects or possessions have been left in an AOI. The AOI is unoccupied.
Motivation Our motivation for this product is to increase consumer efficiency by developing a product that improves time management through the use of a more advanced organizational system. Currently methods for determining and monitoring the availability of an area of interest require large amounts of wasted time and effort.
Possible Applications Library Tables & Study Areas Classrooms & Conference Rooms Energy Conservation Heating and air systems configured to adapt to information collected by the occupancy system. Sociology What areas do individuals tend to occupy?
Current Competition People Counters Technology that uses motion detectors to count the number of people in an area of interest to determine occupancy levels Surveillance & Security Companies Energy Efficiency Companies Systems that perform tasks such as turning off lights or appliances when they are not in use
Customer Needs Display The ability to view information from a remote location Privacy The system does not invade consumer privacy, i.e. no cameras Appearance Does not interfere with normal activity Reliability The system requires minimal user intervention
Customer Needs - 2 Versatility System is extensible and expandable Can be implemented in a variety of locations Accuracy Can adjust for different occupancy scenarios Cost The system is priced affordably
Key Sub Problems Sense Presence in Area of Interest What sensor(s) can give us the best information regarding occupancy while still maintaining power and privacy restrictions? Process Sensor Data What is the best method to accurately process sensor data and efficiently relay necessary occupant information?
Interesting Sub-Solutions Sense Presence Motion Sensor Accuracy concern Thermal Sensor Unable to adjust to different occupancy scenarios Camera Privacy Invasion Combination Sonar & Thermal (selected) Satisfies level of accuracy, desired information, and most customer needs
Interesting Sub-Solutions - 2 Process Sensor Data FPGA Not in our skill set PC Not Versatile Sensor Node (selected) Versatility & Ease of use
Final Concept A combination sensor scheme Thermal & Sonar Possibly aggregated in one box or a multi- part design Sensor Node A microcontroller with radio Used to analyze sensor data and transmit relative information
Diagram - Aggregate Model
Diagram - Multi-part Model
Proto-type Detect people, object, both, or neither in a given area represented by a table Break occupancy area (table) into a quadrant to show region occupancy Transmit the data wirelessly to a gateway mote connected to a PC and display information on PC