2 nd Revolution1 st Revolution R ailroads T extiles O il R ailroads S teel I ron E lectricity C oal These are the BIG ones 2 nd Revolution1 st Revolution R ailroads T extiles O il R ailroads S teel I ron E lectricity C oal These are the BIG ones Causes of Rapid Industrialization: Leading Markets
1. Unskilled labor in abundance. 2. Abundant capital. 3. New, talented group of businessmen. 4. Market growing as US population increased. (concumers) 5. Government involvement in economic growth. 6. Abundant natural resources. 1. Unskilled labor in abundance. 2. Abundant capital. 3. New, talented group of businessmen. 4. Market growing as US population increased. (concumers) 5. Government involvement in economic growth. 6. Abundant natural resources. Causes of Rapid Industrialization
Industrialization brings positives effects: Inventions are created- More products-- produced faster-- produced cheaper Jobs are created--- people have money to buy more goods- economy gets better for everyone Rich people get richer-- create more factories or businesses -- create more jobs-- economy gets better for everyone Immigration- when jobs are available people move to the location of jobs- industrialization causes immigration-- Factories are built where people live cities grow Industrialization brings positives effects: Inventions are created- More products-- produced faster-- produced cheaper Jobs are created--- people have money to buy more goods- economy gets better for everyone Rich people get richer-- create more factories or businesses -- create more jobs-- economy gets better for everyone Immigration- when jobs are available people move to the location of jobs- industrialization causes immigration-- Factories are built where people live cities grow Pros of Industrial Revolution
Industrialization brings negative effects: Industrialization causes-- pollution- air, water Industrialization causes--- poverty- government doesn’t protect workers at first- workers compete with other workers for low skill jobs- workers work long hours- get low pay- unsafe working conditions Poverty is so bad- children need to work Massive wealth is created by factory owners- causes corruption- business owners use money to influence government officials Industrialization brings negative effects: Industrialization causes-- pollution- air, water Industrialization causes--- poverty- government doesn’t protect workers at first- workers compete with other workers for low skill jobs- workers work long hours- get low pay- unsafe working conditions Poverty is so bad- children need to work Massive wealth is created by factory owners- causes corruption- business owners use money to influence government officials Cons of Industrial Revolution
The Railroads
Railroad Tycoons Vanderbilt James Hill Jay Gould Russell Sage Tom Scott
Why did the RR industry grow so quickly? √Govt. subsidized building of transcontinental RR due to so much of the plains being unsettled √By 1900, the U.S. had 192,556 miles of track or roughly 1/3 of all the tracks in the world √RR companies given million acres by the Govt. √Govt. received discount on postal delivery rates and military traffic in return √Cities grew where the RR went
RR Business Abuses √Wealthy RR owners stopped competing with other by the 1880’s and worked together to charge excessive rates √Called “pools” the RR companies agreed to divide the market and establish prices √Gave rebates or kickbacks to larger corporations √Bribed judges, legislatures, employed lobbyists, and had their own people elected to office √Gave free passes to journalists and politicians √Slashed rates on competing lines and made up the difference on other lines √Long haul/short haul tactics- charging more per mile for a short distance than a long distance √“Law! What do I care about the law? I have the power!”- Cornelius Vanderbilt √RR Tycoons became the most powerful people in the US for a time
Govt. Reactions to Railroad Abuses √Slaughterhouse cases Court ruled labor is not a federal issue, but a state one; Federal government cannot regulate companies engaged in intrastate trade √Munn v. Illinois Public has the right to regulate business when there is a public interest involved √Wabash case individual states had no power to regulate interstate commerce- only Federal Govt. could; nullified Munn case
Interstate Commerce Act 1887 √1st large scale legislation passed by federal Govt. to regulate corporations in the interest of society Prohibited rebates and pools Required RR to publish their rates openly Forbade discrimination against shippers
√Cornerstone of 2 nd industrial revolution √Held together skyscrapers, railroad tracks, bridges √By 1900, US produced as much steel as Britain and Germany combined
Andrew Carnegie and U.S. Steel √First giant of the steel industry √Scottish immigrant born into poverty √Made a fortune through investments √1864- saw the Bessemer process in action on a visit to England- returned home and bought steel companies √By 1890, he produced about ¼ of all steel in the nation √Disliked monopolies and trusts √His organization was more of a partnership with other steel tycoons (up to 40 at one point)
Andrew Carnegie and U.S. Steel √Bought freighters, railroads, and coal companies to create a monopoly √Required workers to work hours per day and hired armed guards to break strikes (homestead) √In 1901, he sold his company, U.S. Steel, to JP Morgan for $400 million √JP Morgan enlarged the company and brought total assets to $1.4 billion- the first billion dollar corp. in history (greater than the sum of the entire U.S. in 1800)
Andrew Carnegie and JP Morgan
Iron & Steel Production
√First oil well drilled by E.L. Drake in Titusville, PA. in 1859 √Kerosene emerged as the standard for lamps; destroyed whale oil industry
Rockefeller √Rockefeller began buying oil wells in 1850’s as the industry was just starting √Because of the sheer volume he had to ship, RR companies competed for his business- he would only use them if they gave him great deals and raised the rates of competitors; he would then use the savings to crush competition √Depression of 1873 caused many companies to go bankrupt- Rockefeller bought them and increased his holdings √By 1879, he controlled 90% of all oil refineries
Thomas Alva Edison
The Light Bulb
The Phonograph (1877)
The Motion Picture Camera
Alexander Graham Bell Telephone (1876)
The Ediphone or Dictaphone
Alternate Current George Westinghouse
Alternate Current Westinghouse Lamp ad
The Airplane Wilbur Wright Orville Wright Kitty Hawk, NC – December 7, 1903
Model T Automobile Henry Ford I want to pay my workers so that they can afford my product! Henry Ford I want to pay my workers so that they can afford my product!
“Model T” Prices & Sales
The Reorganization of Work Frederick W. Taylor The Principles of Scientific Management (1911) Frederick W. Taylor The Principles of Scientific Management (1911)
The Reorganization of Work The Assembly Line
U. S. Patents Granted 1790s 276 patents issued. 1990s 1,119,220 patents issued.
Business Culture: Capitalism Laissez Faire the ideology of the Industrial Age. Individuals should compete freely in the marketplace. No room for government in the market! Individuals should compete freely in the marketplace. No room for government in the market!
Free Enterprise: Capitalism “Business and Government don’t mix.” In the United States this statement has been argued for over for many years. Do they Mix? What do you think? √The Market System: Laws of supply and demand regulate business- (The Invisible Hand) √According to Adam Smith’s ideas: √Business should be free of government interference. √Smith understood that: √Business owners or Entrepreneurs, as a rule, want to make as much money or profit as possible. √They don’t want to pay taxes.
Social Darwinism × British economist. × Advocate of laissez-faire. × Adapted Darwin’s ideas from the “Origin of Species” to humans. × Notion of “Survival of the Fittest.” × British economist. × Advocate of laissez-faire. × Adapted Darwin’s ideas from the “Origin of Species” to humans. × Notion of “Survival of the Fittest.” Herbert Spencer
% of Millionaires in 1900
% of Millionaires in 1918
The Gospel of Wealth: Religion in the Era of Industrialization Russell H. Conwell $ Wealth no longer looked upon as bad. $ Christian duty to accumulate wealth. $ Should not help the poor. $ Wealth no longer looked upon as bad. $ Christian duty to accumulate wealth. $ Should not help the poor.
“On Wealth” Andrew Carnegie $ The Anglo-Saxon race is superior. $ “Gospel of Wealth” (1901). $ Inequality is inevitable and good. $ Wealthy should act as “trustees” for their “poorer brethren.” $ The Anglo-Saxon race is superior. $ “Gospel of Wealth” (1901). $ Inequality is inevitable and good. $ Wealthy should act as “trustees” for their “poorer brethren.”
New Type of Business Entities 1.Pool (corp. alliances) Industries would not compete. Instead, they would fix prices and divide shares of the market. 1.Trust Confidence placed in a person or corporation to control the property or investments of others 1.Pool (corp. alliances) Industries would not compete. Instead, they would fix prices and divide shares of the market. 1.Trust Confidence placed in a person or corporation to control the property or investments of others Standard Oil Co.
New Type of Business Entities 2.Trust: Horizontal Integration John D. (same business) Rockefeller 2.Trust: Horizontal Integration John D. (same business) Rockefeller Vertical Integration (realated): o Andrew Carnegie U. S. Steel Vertical Integration (realated): o Andrew Carnegie U. S. Steel
U. S. Corporate Mergers
The ‘Bosses’ of the Senate
The ‘Robber Barons’
Regulating the Trusts 1877 Munn. v. IL 1886 Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railroad Company v. IL 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act in “restraint of trade” “rule of reason” loophole 1895 US v. E. C. Knight Co Munn. v. IL 1886 Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railroad Company v. IL 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act in “restraint of trade” “rule of reason” loophole 1895 US v. E. C. Knight Co.
Relative Share of World Manufacturing