Terror and Conflict – Democracy v Security ‘The Age of McMedia’ Helen Shaw AIB conference Prague 2004
The media and conflict Lost of public trust Disinformation Censorship Ownership pressure State action Self censorship Conflict and terrorism
Missing the news…… ► US media market dominated by a handful of conglomerates ► Public broadcasting weak, poorly funded ► The post 9/11 impact – patriotism as form of self-censorship ► The unasked questions ► The ‘T’ word
Manufacturing silence……….. ► New York Times correspondent Elisabeth Bumiller: ► "I think we were very deferential, because it's frightening to stand up there. Think about it, you're standing up on prime-time live TV asking the President of the United States a question when the country's about to go to war. There was a very serious, somber tone that evening, and no one wanted to get into an argument with the President”. ► The Nation – March 2004
Hutton and BBC ► First state battle in conflict or war is with media closest to the state ► Dyke describes ‘siege mentality’ ► Defensive under attack ► Missing checks and balances ► A damaged BBC – loss of leadership ► But…public trust with BBC over state
Irish state, RTE and terrorism ► 1970s violence – state media censorship ► Section 31 runs for over two decades ► Self-censorship – the slur of ‘fellow-traveller’ ► Loss of public information ► Marginalisation and demonisation ► The oxygen of publicity or the public’s right to know?
The end of trust ► Madrid – post bombing – reaction of a breach of trust in both government and media ► The growth of internet – alternative sources ► The whistle-blowers – Sgt Joe Darby – the US-Iraq torture image ► The truth is out there somewhere
If in doubt blame the media! “this ethical deficit at the core of the information society is compounded because all communication now competes for time and attention with..commercial communication. Commercial communication, like political communication indirectly promotes the idea that there are no truths – only strategies and claims”. Geoff Mulgan – former No 10 Downing St Director of Strategy.
Saving independent journalism ► Ownership is not neutral ► Public broadcasting needs financial and regulatory independence ► Marketplace needs both commercial and not for profit news media sources ► regulation needs ‘fairness and balance’ doctrine – Sky versus Fox News. ► Italy – how not to do it……
Hopes and challenges ► Post Iraq debate – in US and Europe ► Internet as news medium ► Media plurality building democracy – BBC World Service Trust ► But…news is a commodity ► the tyranny of ‘live’ and on-demand ► And infotainment reigns – Beckham!
Solutions? ► Europe needs to protect media independence – regulation and public space ► Investment needs in media training and literacy ► Support for pluralist media model in emerging democracies ► Re-invention of the public broadcasting model
Terror and Conflict – Democracy v State ‘The Age of McMedia’ Helen Shaw AIB conference Prague 2004
Terror and Conflict – Democracy v State ‘The Age of McMedia’ Helen Shaw AIB conference Prague 2004
Terror and Conflict – Democracy v State ‘The Age of McMedia’ Helen Shaw AIB conference Prague 2004
Terror and Conflict – Democracy v State ‘The Age of McMedia’ Helen Shaw AIB conference Prague 2004
Terror and Conflict – Democracy v State ‘The Age of McMedia’ Helen Shaw AIB conference Prague 2004