Best Payroll Reports 2010/2011
Assignment Reports Payroll Assignment/HR Position Compare EIS.997 Run each payroll to make sure payroll assignments (PAY.345) match H/R positions (F11) Compare Teacher & Sub Grade/Step CHKTOCGRAD Run each payroll to make sure SUB/TOC assignments stay current with regular teaching assignments Compare Assignment FTE/Alt Rates (F2) PAY.566 Run each payroll to make sure absence FTEs for accrual are accurate to assignment and F2 FTE Compare master deductions to run# PAI.514 Run after each payroll to find Cas/Eas etc. who did not pay for benefits Annual Salary Report PAY.340TC Used for budgeting and to report current employee amounts and accounts being charged Canada Life Insurance File PAI.507 Builds a electronic file/report for benefit providers
Pay Reports Employee Pay Detail Report PAI.505 Employee pay profile, overtime listing, travel allowance listing Summary Pay Journal PAY.796 Calendar date totals by Pay code (pay table and addenda codes) Perfect for T4 balancing, gross pay totals, Stats Can Schedule of Payment to Employees PAY.991 Employees paid > $50,000, Public Bodies (BC) *New* Employee Pay/Deduction Profile PAY.563 Perfect for final adjustments as combines payment details/summary, deduction summary and service into a single report Payroll Accum Listing PAI.805 Yearend CPP/EI errors, net pay totals Payroll Run Summary by Employee PAI.645 Build file for retro calculations WCB Report Listing PAI.819 Monthly, quarterly, annually to balance WCB amounts
Deduction Reports Payroll Deduction Register PAI.804 Balance and report deductions/benefits each payroll and/or monthly Summary Deduction Journal PAY.795 Calendar date totals by Deduction code Perfect for T4 balancing, employee/employer totals, monthend benefits *New* Employee Pay/Deduction Profile PAY.563 Summarizes deductions per employee across any date range Perfect for final adjustments as combines payment details/summary, deduction summary and service into a single report Use the report writer EIS.530 to find employees missing a deduction code (TRAF)
Accounts Reports Payroll Account History Report PAI.516 Who charged to an account(s), where did an employee charge to, charge summary by account for June A/P journal entry, fiscal account charges HR Position/Payroll Assignment/Finance Compare POS.997 Run each payroll to make sure payroll assignments (PAY.345) match H/R positions (F11) match position accounts Build A/R Invoices from Payroll PAI.910 Run each month to directly bill customers for specific employee wages Build A/R Invoices from Sub Records SUB.910 Run each month to directly bill customers for specific employee wages
Absence Reports Employee Time Absent Detail Listing PAI.502 Complete absence profile with all details, accrual details, bank and reason totals Typically run for single employees or for a supervisor group of employees Employee Missed Detail Listing PAY.592 Same as PAI.502 with less information (no account, no replacement) Find Me Who PAI.504 Who has taken over 10 days this year, who has used all of their discretionary time, list of current vacation balances …. Employee/Absence Grid List PAY.596 List all of the employees in my school (or who I supervise) and their total time taken this year for Sick, PD, Bereavement, Discretionary, Other *New* Vacation Planner Calendar PAY.594 List me all of my custodians and their vacation bank and used in a calendar format so I can effectively see how many are away on any given week/day Employee Earned/Used Profile (OTBANK) PAI.522 List me all of my maintenance employees and their overtime details accrued and used Absence Absence Bank Liability PAI.509 PAI.512 List of all employees vacation banks and their liability amounts $$
Absence Reports NEW ITEM: Vacation Planner - PAY.594 Looks in Sub Records and history to display which staff are already booked off on days.
Absence Reports Absence Code Profile PAY.598 Report perfect attendance, exclude long term sick, and provide absence benchmarks per employee group. Can then establish standards and tag employees exceeding these standards Employee Absence Short/Long Occurrences Report employee 1,2,3,4 and 5 day absences as well as long term absences ?
Missing Reports What Report options are missing ? Are you pulling out the calculator or using a spreadsheet to total amounts for monthend and/or per payroll ? Some of you are using queries, are these easy enough to use or do they need to become CIMS report options ?