Confidential property of Belkin International. Unlawful to copy or reproduce in any manner without the express written consent of Belkin International. KVM 1 KVM | Part Number Convention
Slide Number 2 Confidential property of Belkin International. Unlawful to copy or reproduce in any manner without the express written consent of Belkin International. KVM 2 A Typical KVM Switch Part Number F1DA108T | KVM Part Number Convention |
Slide Number 3 Confidential property of Belkin International. Unlawful to copy or reproduce in any manner without the express written consent of Belkin International. KVM 3 The Part Number Can be Broken Down As Follows; F1D A1 08 T PRODUCT CATEGORY KVM - KVM UNITS KVM CABLES KVM ADAPTERS KVM POWER SUPPLIES | KVM Part Number Convention |
Slide Number 4 Confidential property of Belkin International. Unlawful to copy or reproduce in any manner without the express written consent of Belkin International. KVM 4 The Part Number Can be Broken Down As Follows; F1D A1 08 T KVM PRODUCT RANGE A = B = C = D = E = F = G = H = J = Administrator / Professional Basic / Economy Console (Rackmount) DVI Based Enterprise / QuadBus Switch2 Switch2 w/Audio Dual-Head Video CA Series (Basic) K = L = M = N = P = S = U = V = W = Z = CA Series CA Series w/Audio Mac / Matrix Secure SMB Series SOHO Series Pulse Video / ExpandView Cat 5 Enterprise SE Plus | KVM Part Number Convention |
Slide Number 5 Confidential property of Belkin International. Unlawful to copy or reproduce in any manner without the express written consent of Belkin International. KVM 5 The Part Number Can be Broken Down As Follows; F1D A1 08 T CONSOLES The number of Physical Consoles that this KVM supports by default. By Physical Console we understand Monitor, Keyboard and Mouse. | KVM Part Number Convention |
Slide Number 6 Confidential property of Belkin International. Unlawful to copy or reproduce in any manner without the express written consent of Belkin International. KVM 6 The Part Number Can be Broken Down As Follows; F1D A1 08 T COMPUTERS The number of Computer Connections that this KVM supports by default. Further Computer Connections may be possible if the KVM is daisy- chained with additional units. The number above represents the number of computers that can be connected to and controlled by the KVM Switch in a standalone configuration. | KVM Part Number Convention |
Slide Number 7 Confidential property of Belkin International. Unlawful to copy or reproduce in any manner without the express written consent of Belkin International. KVM 7 The Part Number Can be Broken Down As Follows; F1D A1 08 T CONNECTION TECHNOLOGY NB – Rackmount Consoles use P, R & S as suffixes to denote different Versions only. PPS/2 Only **GRemote IP Integrated** UUSB OnlyHRemote IP Manager** TTwin – PS/2 & USB**MRemote IP Console** DDVI Video (USB)BPS/2 & USB (In & Out) WWireless (USB & VGA)CPS/2 & USB (In & Out) AAdapter Required (Cat 5)ZPS/2 & USB (In & Out) JTwin – PS/2 & USB In and OutQPS/2 Only (Pro3 Only)** LUSB Only ** PS/2 Only Console | KVM Part Number Convention |
Confidential property of Belkin International. Unlawful to copy or reproduce in any manner without the express written consent of Belkin International. KVM 8 KVM PRODUCT RANGE PRODUCT CATEGORY Denotes a KVM Product of some kind. AAdministrator/ProKCA Series (No Audio)* BBasic/EconomyLCA Series (Audio)* CConsole (Rack)MMac/Matrix* DDVI-BasedNSecure EEnterprise/QuadBusPSMB Series FSwitch2 (No Audio)SSOHO Series GSwitch2 (Audio)UPulse* HDual-Head VGAVVideo/ExpandView JCA Series (Basic)*WEnterprise (Cat5) * Obsolete ZSE Plus Series* F1DA108T SUPPORTED COMPUTERS Computers supported by KVM when not daisy-chained SUPPORTED CONSOLES CONNECTION TECHNOLOGY PPS/2 Only**GRemote IP Inside** UUSB OnlyHRemote IP Manager TPS/2 & USB**MRemote IP Console DDVI & USBBPS/2 & USB (in/Out) WWirelessCPS/2 & USB (in/Out) AAdapter (Cat5)ZPS/2 & USB (in/Out) JPS/2 & USBLUSB Only ** PS/2 Console QPS/2 Only (Pro3)** Indicates the number of (Physical) Consoles that the KVM will support in a stand-alone state.