Cross Contamination Helpful hints for practice and prevention
What is cross contamination? The process to which bacteria or microbes are unintentionally transferred from one surface to another with harmful effect Easily preventable
Why is this important? Causes food poisoning particularly in young children who are not developed enough to fight off harmful bacteria Symptoms include: Nausea/Vomiting Stomach Pain Diarrhea Fever or chills Headache
How to prevent cross contamination WASH YOUR HANDS! The most important thing you can do is wash hands before and after touching raw meat and any ready-to-eat foods. Use gloves when handling raw meat and ready-to eat foods Change gloves between each new task or when spoiled or broken
How to prevent cross contamination Keep raw meat, seafood, poultry and eggs separate when prepping and storing Use different colored cutting boards for different food items Red Board = Raw Meat Green Board = Fruits and Vegetables Yellow = Raw Poultry Blue = Cooked Food Tan = Fish and Seafood White = Dairy Products
How to prevent cross contamination Cook all foods to proper internal temperatures
How to prevent cross contamination Store items properly in the fridges and freezer Make sure fridge and freezer are maintaining proper temperature Fridge <41 degrees Freezer <0 degrees
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