Working with Educational Institutes St. Peter’s and The Moors Big Local in partnership with the University of Gloucestershire Bristol Big Local Spring Event -14 th April, 2015 NANM – The National Association for Neighbourhood Management
Overview Partnership – David Manohar Progress – Daniel Millin Prospects – Naif Pierre Example – Scott Farlow, Landscape Architecture Students & Big Local Residents Representing the Big Local and the University David Manohar - Big Local Resident, Vice Chair & Treasurer of Big Local Partnership Board Scott Farlow - Lecturer, Uni. of Gloucestershire & 3 rd Year Landscape Architecture Students Daniel Millin - Big Local Community Engagement Worker & MSc Student at the University Naif Pierre - Big Local Project Co-ordinator
Area Map
Our Partnership Aspiration of a young child to see the University to the Vice Chancellor of the University of its responsibility and prospects Meeting with the Directors at the University Community Centre prospects Students’ Union – Green Issues and DegreePlus Adoption of the Big Local area for 4 Course Modules -3rd year Landscape Architecture students (Design & Community Module) -3rd year Geography students (Global Futures Module) -3rd year Youth Work students (Management of Settings Module) -3rd year Sociology students (Power in the Modern World)
Progress: Landscape Architecture ●Produced imaginative Group Character Maps of the area for their first assignment ●This required local research & work with the Big Local community to collect their views on the area ●They are now working on Group Action Plans as part of their second assignment
Progress: Geography Module ●Looked at the green spaces in the area ●Decided to focus on the River Chelt ●Asked the Community their views on the river and the surrounding area, along with doing chemical tests ●Produced a poster with details of recommendations, views and river survey results.
Progress: Youth Work ●Looked at all the community assets, services and settings of the BL area ●Undertook an assignment with recommendations on future improvements to the area
Progress: Sociology ●Walked around the Big Local area ●Looked at the assets of the area ●Will be looking at how much of a say the local community has in the modern world ●The area is being used as a case study for the students
Prospects We hope to work with the University over the next ten years and beyond DegreePlus Student Interns and Student Volunteers We aim to get more courses involved i.e. History, Fine Arts & Sports 15% of the Big Local Area consists of Students Community and Sports Centre Green Initiatives
Example: Landscape Architecture We aim to provide our students with an understanding & some real-life experience of community design & engagement, The new 3 rd Year module required a ‘proper’ local community with real issues & aspirations to build on previous modules, We needed somewhere to work meaningfully & intensively over two semesters, We needed a partnership that would ensure exchange, enrichment & authenticity, We needed deep connection with local issues & local people that created and responded to a real project with a real brief.
Here are a few pictures of our partnership so far...
Image courtesy of Scott Farlow. L&A Walkabout Each time a new course got involved with the BL they were given a ‘tour’ of the area. This picture is from the LA walkabout with Dan.
Image courtesy of Scott Farlow. Community Café (1) L&A students visited the café to talk to residents about their feelings on the area. It was also a chance for residents to tell stories of their past, and how the area has changed over time.
Community Café (2) Image courtesy of Scott Farlow.
Community Café (3) Image courtesy of Scott Farlow.
Community Café (4)
Image courtesy of Scott Farlow. Primary School (1) As part of their research & engagement LA students visited the local primary school. They worked with a year six class, and asked them what they wanted for their street for Christmas.
Image courtesy of Scott Farlow. Primary School (2) The students & Year 6 pupils also created imaginative maps of St. Peter’s & The Moors that identified important local features in the children’s lives.
Images courtesy of Scott Farlow. Student Memory Maps (1) The students produced memory maps of the area to show their initial thoughts on & responses to the area.
Student Memory Maps (2) Images courtesy of Scott Farlow.
Image courtesy of Scott Farlow. Assignment One Presentations (1) Each group of LA students created a unique character map of St. Peter’s & The Moors. Each map was a combination of their own findings and responses & those of local residents of all ages.
Image courtesy of Scott Farlow. Assignment One Presentations (2) Each Character Map was different and presented in a different format. There was a combination of films and artwork installations.
Image courtesy of Scott Farlow. Assignment One Presentations (3)
Assignment One Presentations (4) Images courtesy of Scott Farlow.
Thank you for listening, do you have any questions for us?