MultiPARTES Towards Model-Driven Engineering for Mixed- Criticality Systems: MultiPARTES Approach A. Alonso, C. Jouvray, S. Trujillo, M.A. de Miguel, C.


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Presentation transcript:

MultiPARTES Towards Model-Driven Engineering for Mixed- Criticality Systems: MultiPARTES Approach A. Alonso, C. Jouvray, S. Trujillo, M.A. de Miguel, C. Grepet, J. Simó WICERT 2013, March 22nd

2 Motivation and goals  Modern electronic systems used in industry (avionics, automotive, etc) combine applications: – with real-time (hard and soft) & no real-time requirements – with different levels of security – that can be independently qualified (certified)  This trend can imply increased validation and certification costs  This extra cost can be reduced by: – Isolate the execution of different applications – Methodology with higher abstraction level

3 MultiPARTES goals  MultiPARTES – FP7, in the area of ICT –  MultiPARTES goals: – To develop a multicore platform virtualization layer for critical and secure embedded systems. – To propose a methodology to enforce the rapid development of new applications based on partitioned systems – To develop methods and tools to support the application development

4 Approach Overview  Design an embedded system composed by a set of applications  Execute this embedded system in a: – Partitioned execution environment – Multi-core platform  Supported by a virtualization layer  Heterogenous system – Different processors (+/- predictable, +/- powerful) VL Processor

5 Hypervisor  Hypervisor based system permits to build partitioned systems where partition: – Are temporal & spatial isolated – Use the appropriated OS for each application – Execute mono-core OSs in a multicore platform

6 XtratuM Hypervisor  Open source bare-metal hypervisor for critical real-time partitioned systems  Uses para-virtualization techniques – Strong temporal isolation: fixed cyclic scheduler – Strong spatial isolation: every partition is executed in processor user mode and does not share memory. – Robust communication mechanisms (ARINC ports) – Robust error management via the Health-Monitor – Devices can be directly managed by partitions. Shared devices can be organized in a IOServer – Resources are allocated statically through a Configuration file (XML)

XtratuM Hypervisor

8 Development process Methodology to enforce the rapid development and production of new applications based on partitioned systems High level system model:Set of applications and interconnections Mixed-criticallity High level model of hardware resources:Types of devices and properties Resources management models Application constraints: criticality, time, device usage resource availability

9 MDE Approach  Model Driven Engineering (MDE) approach – facilitates to bridge the gap between design issues and partitioning concerns – Models are the main development artifacts – Annotation for non-functional properties  Approach based on several metamodels

10 Toolset Multipartes toolchain with UML profiles

11 Platform model  This model defines the relevant properties of the platform

12 HW Platform Metamodel

13 Application model  Described using UML  Enriched with non-functional annotations – Criticality requirements: in terms of safety levels – Time requirements: based on UML MARTE – Resource needs requirements: for guaranteeing QoS – Device usage requirements

3 Partitioning  Information to be used for partitioning  Components that must be in the same partition (App)  Level of criticality (App)  Time requirements granularity (App)  Requirements on OS (App)  Components that must be executed on a processor (Par)  Hardware platform (HW)  Defining a metamodel for the partitioning model  Requirements on partitioning that relates the platform and the application.  Deployment model for code and configuration generation 3

15 Reference platform  A heterogeneous platform based on – One Atom multicore processor (general platform) Less critical applications Higher computation capabilities General Purpose OSs – Two LEON3 synthesized in FPGA Higher predictability More critical applications Lower computation capabilities Real-time OSs

16 Conclusions  Mixed-criticality systems are required for industry and are a challenging topic  MultiPARTES approach – Based on an XtratuM: hypervisor that provides spatial and time isolation – MDE: basis to facilitate system development – Tool framework: Allows to define non-functional requirements related with partitioning Time and safety requirements are validated Generation of code and configuration files

17  Questions?  More information: