Eskom’s contribution to the solar park initiative Insert image here Insert image here Eskom’s contribution to the solar park initiative 28-29 October 2010 Insert image here Insert image here Presentation to Investors Conference Upington, South Africa
Profile of Eskom One of World’s largest utilities Employs 39 000 employees Sales: 218 591 GWh Over 4.46 million customers Generates 95% of South Africa’s electricity and (45% Africa) Generation – 26 power stations, total installed capacity of 44 175 MW 379,651 kilometres of power lines of all voltages 2017/04/20
How do we keep the lights on and move to a cleaner future? The global challenge: To sustain growth and prosperity South Africa 1994 - 2008 growth 64% 14% How do we keep the lights on and move to a cleaner future? Real GDP Power capacity (~5 000 MW) This requires vast investments in power generation capacity; affordable and universal access to electricity; move to a cleaner future 2017/04/20
Overview Eskom’s strategic priority to transition to a cleaner energy mix for South Africa based primarily on nuclear and solar energy Partnering for sustainable electricity supply over the next 7 years and the future Support and welcome the development of the solar park and are committed to working together with stakeholders on the park concept and other renewable energy projects Ten year research programme – in excess of R100 million spent, current projects in wind, solar, underground coal gasification, ocean technologies and demand reduction programmes such as CFL roll-outs and solar geyser programmes Studies underway on renewable integration into national transmission grid Transmission lines will be phased-in to transport 1100 MW from the Solar Park by 2016, starting with 150 MW in 2012
Eskom will reduce its carbon footprint Eskom will target the following: Become the lead partner in the roll-out of South Africa’s nuclear generation programme. In partnership, become the solar market leader in the region. In partnership, take a light role in wind power generation to ensure that IPPs play a significant role in this sector. Actively drive demand side management Making coal-based generation cleaner
Insert image here Access to the Transmission Grid Pre-feasibility Study for Integrating Solar Generation in the Upington Area 2017/04/20
Project brief The development of a 5GW solar park in the Upington area is being proposed The initial phase focuses on developing 1000 MW Generation will ramp up from to 1100 MW in 2016. Eskom is developing a 100MW CSP plant, with a commercial operation date 2015. Hence the transmission study focuses on developing a solution to evacuate 1.1GW Eskom is currently rolling out plans for 400kV transmission infrastructure in the area Currently the transmission network is lightly loaded and is not adequate to support the solar park. This poses a challenge in terms of network stability.
General approach to transmission study Factors considered in transmission planning Current and future load Current and future generation Location and size Compliance with South Africa Grid Code Technical criteria Planning process Investment criteria Connection application process Technical investigations Five options were investigated Evaluation considered following: strategic alignment South African Grid Code compliance
Network Integration Solution, Phasing & Timelines Phased network strengthening In four stages Period 2012 – 2017 Yr-2012 Yr-2014 Yr-2016 Yr-2017 MW Network limit 150 170 999 1500 Stage Stage 1: Can evacuate 150 MW with minimal distribution strengthening [2012] Stage 2: Can evacuate 170 MW with distribution strengthening plus new transformer at Kronos [2014] Stage 3: Can evacuate up to 900 MW with Transmission strengthening. This requires additional transformers at solar park substation and 2 new 400 kV lines [2016] Stage 4: Can evacuate up to 1500MW. In addition to Stage 3 this now requires 2 additional transformers plus 2 additional 400kV lines. [2017]
Network Integration Solution, Phasing & Timelines contd. Solar Park Sub New Nieuwehoop Sub Aries Ferrum Stage 3: This requires 3x400/132kV transformers and 2 x 400 kV lines (Solar Park - Aries and Solar Park – Nieuwehoop) [2016] Stage 4: In addition to Stage 3 this now requires 4th and 5th 400/132kV transformers plus 2 additional 400kV lines. (2nd Solar Park - Aries 400kV and Solar Park- Ferrum 400kV) [2017]
In summary It is feasible to connect renewable energy generators in the Upington area. This solution is dependent on the establishment of the 400 kV infrastructure as indicated. To evacuate 1100MW of solar power requires an investment in transmission infrastructure. Further work needs to be done during the detailed feasibility study phase. Eskom will consider the final IRP2010 plan in developing the long term transmission grid. The possible spatial location of proposed new generators is especially important In the longer term, should there be a need to evacuate substantially more than 1100MW of power it may be necessary to develop 765kV or HVDC transmission
Concentrated Solar Plant Eskom’s Concentrated Solar Plant 2017/04/20
Concentrating Solar Power Central Receiver Application Grid connected Power Range Plant sizes of 100MW Footprint 100MW would require app 4km2 Status EIA complete Technology review underway
Environmental Impact Assessment The screening study of a large number of regions concluded that there was the potential to establish a new power plant in Upington and Groblershoop areas In 2006 Application was made to obtain an environmental authorisation for proposed project EIA and its public participation process was undertaken between 2006 and 2007 An environmental authorisation (then know as a Record of Decision – RoD) was issued to Eskom on 14 September 2007 This authorisation is valid for a period of five years
Three alternative sites evaluated in EIA, with Environmental Authorisation given for site 1
Major issues raised during EIA The potentially significant environmental impacts associated with the proposed project as discussed in the EIA include: Potential impacts on surface and groundwater resources as a result of the proposed project Potential visual impacts associated with the proposed project and associated impacts on tourism potential Potential noise impacts Potential impacts on flora, fauna and ecology including Avifauna Potential positive social impacts No fatal flaws were identified since the impacts can be mitigated to acceptable levels.
Value of the project to Solar Park Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) data collected by Eskom and detailed specialist studies done during EIA will be made available to project May be synergies around infrastructure We support the development of the solar park and we are committed to working together with stakeholders on the park concept as well as on other renewable energy projects and processes of national importance South Africa’s Solar Irradiation levels is amongst the best in the world South Africa experiences some of the highest levels of solar radiation in the world. The average daily solar radiation in South Africa varies between 4.5 and 6.5 kWh/m2 (16 and 23 MJ/m2), with excellent areas such as Upington - 8.17 kWh/m2/day.
Conclusion Eskom will transition to a cleaner energy mix for South Africa based primarily on nuclear and solar energy Fully support and welcome the development of the solar park which will contribute to national capacity Current projects in wind, solar, underground coal gasification, ocean technologies and demand reduction programmes such as CFL roll-outs and solar geyser programmes To evacuate 1100MW of solar power requires an investment in transmission infrastructure Transmission lines will be phased-in to transport 1100 MW from the Solar Park by 2016, starting with 150 MW in 2012 Substantial additional investment will be required for further expansion to 5000MW and we are committed to working with government in this regard
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