Science Teachers in SHS GHANA SHS CONNECTIVITY PROJECT 2012-2013 ICT for Mathematics, English and Integrated Science Teachers in SHS Course Overview
Three questions Where are we coming from? What is this course about? What will be our approach?
Where are we coming from? First Question Where are we coming from?
The Knowledge Society Agenda Pervasiveness of ICTs: increasing pace of change New knowledge and new technologies resulting in creation of new products, services and jobs Education major pillar of and role in Knowledge Society/Economy Paradigm shifts required in education and training systems Focus on 21st century learning and skills; on holistic and coordinated approaches for future learning UNESCO, 2005; Le Baron, 2009
What is needed?… Emerging Applying Ability to use ICT at a basic level A Phased Approach to ICT Integration in Teacher Development Emerging Ability to use ICT at a basic level Applying Ability to make general and specific uses of ICT Infusing Ability to make dynamic and complex use of ICT Transforming Ability to experiment and innovate with ICT Ng, Miao & Lee (2008
What is needed?… Standards: UNESCO ICT- Competency Framework for Teachers Breadth Depth Role: Teachers, Technology Coordinators, Principals UNESCO 2010
Contextualized ICT Teacher Competencies for Teachers in Ghana November Workshop – 1st Iteration
What is this course about? Second Question What is this course about?
Course Curriculum Course curriculum based on 6 priority ICT teacher competencies Policy Curriculum & Planning Pedagogy ICT Organization & Management Professional Development
Course Curriculum - Policy Key Curriculum Areas Emerging Technology Literacy Knowledge Deepening Policy & Vision Policy awareness Teachers identify and discuss local, national and global policies for technology integration in education and development Policy in classroom practice Teachers identify key characteristics of classroom practices and specify how these characteristics serve to implement policies (TL.1.a) Policy in curriculum planning Teachers collaborate with others to plan and implement new and more effective approaches to integrate new ICT across all subject areas.
Course Curriculum - Curriculum Key Curriculum Areas Emerging Technology Literacy Knowledge Deepening Curriculum & Assessment Planning ICT in the curriculum Teachers explain how existing curriculum objectives and assessment procedures can include the use of technology to support student learning and outcomes. Teachers match specific curriculum standards to particular software packages and computer applications and describe how these standards are supported by these applications (TL.2a) Teachers design units and classroom activities that integrate in a structured way a range of ICT tools and devices to support student learning.
Course Curriculum - Pedagogy Key Curriculum Areas Emerging Technology Literacy Knowledge Deepening Pedagogy Planning ICT to support learning Teachers select and use hardware and software best suited to particular learning experiences and plan student learning experiences for appropriate use of these tools. Teachers describe how didactic and constructivist teaching with ICT can be used to support students’ acquisition of school subject matter Knowledge (TL.3.a) & incorporate appropriate ICT activities into lesson plans so as to support students’ acquisition of school subject matter knowledge (TL.3.b). Problem Based learning Teachers design online materials that support students' deep understanding of key concepts and their application to real world problems. (KD.3.c.)
Course Curriculum - ICT Key Curriculum Areas Emerging Technology Literacy Knowledge Deepening ICT ICT Basic Skills-awareness: Teachers are familiar with the variety of ICT tools that can support teaching and learning; Teachers have ability to operate and handle ICT tools; Teachers demonstrate ability to use ICT tools and equipment for general use. Internet: Teachers explore and demonstrate the use of the internet for communication, search and retrieval of information. Internet: Teachers describe the Internet and the World Wide Web, elaborate on their uses, and describe how a browser works and use of URL to access a website (TL. 4.e) & use a search engine (TL. 4. F). Productivity tools: Teachers describe and demonstrate the basic tasks and uses of word processors, such as text entry, editing text, formatting text and printing (TL.4.b), describe and demonstrate the purpose and basic features of presentation software and other digital resources (TL.4.c.) Authoring tools: Teachers describe the purpose and basic function of graphic software and use a graphic software package to create a simple graphic display. (TL.4.d) Internet: Teachers evaluate the accuracy and usefulness of Web resources in support of problem- based learning with the subject area (KD.4.b). Educational Software: Teachers locate software tools and Web resources for their accuracy and alignment with curriculum standards (TL.4.l), use ICT to communicate and collaborate with students, peers, parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning. (KD.4.e.)
Course Curriculum – Org & Management Key Curriculum Areas Emerging Technology Literacy Knowledge Deepening Organization & Management Teacher Understanding Teachers use technology tools and resources for research and lesson planning linked to classroom practice. Teachers integrate the use of a computer laboratory into on- going teaching activities. (TL.5. a) Teacher Understanding Teachers place and organize computers and other digital resources within the classroom so as to support and reinforce learning activities and social interactions. (KD.5.a)
Course Curriculum – Professional Development Key Curriculum Areas Emerging Technology Literacy Knowledge Deepening Professional Development Teacher awareness & participation Teachers share ideas and resources with other teachers in the school on using ICT and related teaching and learning strategies to enhance student learning and the teaching profession. Teachers actively participate in online professional communities for teachers to discuss and share effective uses of technology resources in teaching and learning. Teachers use ICT to access outside experts and communities to support their classroom activities for developing learning strategies & lesson plans, their own professional development. (KD. 6.b)
Three Modules Module 0 Emerging: ICT Basic Activities & Problem Based Learning Module 1a Applying ICT: Policy & Practice for ICT use in MEIS Subjects Module 1b Applying ICT: ICT & Didactic Teaching Models Module 2a Infusing ICT: Problem Based Learning & 21st Century Skills Development Module 2b Infusing ICT: Planning & Practice – ICT in MEIS Classrooms
3rd Question What is Our Approach?
How to Approach ICT Integration in Teacher Development? CONTENT Knowledge of WHAT we teach in our subject / learning area TECHNOLOGY Knowledge of technologies that support teaching and HOW to use these PEDAGOGY Knowledge of HOW we teach – teaching methods TECHNOLOGY Knowledge of technologies that support teaching and HOW to use these Typically teachers are involved in and learn about 3 main areas of activity. As content experts they are expected to know WHAT they are talking about in the subject area. As trained educators they will have been exposed to ideas on HOW to lead learning that subject content (pedagogy). Their Achilles Heel is sometimes the exposure that they have had to technology and how to use it. Their technology training has often been ineffective because it has remained in a separate silo, as depicted above; ICT skills training has focused on the technology and now its uses in teaching and learning.
How to Approach ICT Integration in Teacher Development? TECHNOLOGY Knowledge of technologies that support teaching and HOW to use these CONTENT Knowledge of WHAT we teach in our subject / learning area PEDAGOGY Knowledge of HOW we teach – teaching methods ICT integration means that teachers learn about ICT in the CONTEXT of what they do as teachers, that is, as a way to deepen understanding of their subject content and as a tool to enhance teaching and learning. While the overlap between pedagogy and content is covered in college, one is less likely to find college programmes that fully integrate the ways in which technology can support content /curriculum delivery and the way in which it can support the pedagogy, and even makes new pedagogical approaches more possible.
Our Approach ICT-MEIS Course Case studies – ICT classroom experience Discussion & Reflection Lesson Review E-Journal Self-assessment Group Interaction Technical Skills - Online tools & resources Application - Lesson plans & resources Facilitation Whole Group Plenary Computer lab Resources (information briefs) and discussion (group templates) Adapted: SchoolNet SA & Commonwealth of Learning (2012). Course Outline. Retrieved from:
Course Overview Workshop-oriented 3 modules for different levels of ICT integration in MEIS Activity-centred Collaborative and supportive teacher subject groups Classroom practice focused – experiential learning Networking & Sharing Resources Platform
Course Modules Resource manual Information briefs Lesson Plan Examples Diaries & Portfolios Classroom-focus Unit & Lesson Plan Templates Review, observation, reflection, self-assessment Monitoring & Evaluation Online participant evaluation of training Peer – Review & Observation of classroom practice Portfolios – teachers lesson plans, resources and students worksheets etc. Student – attitudes & reaction – ICT use in MEIS Each module has 2 units, each unit has 3 topics, each topic has approximately 4 activities, each topic takes up to 3 hours to complete, although most will require less time. Activities typically require teachers to discuss, read, reflect, review, plan and implement ideas and share findings and conclusions. There are usually 3 assignments in each module, which are submitted and assessed independently (the tutor does not assess the assignments). The nature of the assignment strategy is locally determined. In the absence of local intervention, assignments are found at various stages in the modules.
Actions & Interactions Diary Reflection Plenary discussion Group sharing & tasks Review of lesson Brainstorming Group discussion Collaborative planning in subject teams Developing & sharing lessons & resources Portfolios – Lesson plans & resources (800+)
Monitoring & Evaluation M&E Level M&E Tools First level focus on the teacher reaction to workshops... Workshop evaluation tool is an online survey monkey to gather information on teachers’ initial satisfaction with the workshop experiences. Second level focus on quality of teacher learning in the workshop process Samples of teacher online self-assessment and e-diary/ e-portfolio artifact tools programmes in their professional practice Third level focus on school organization support, accommodation, facilitation and recognition of the ICT in MEIS A school visit protocol which is an interview protocol for school administrators (School Heads and Heads of Department) Fourth level focus on how teachers are applying the knowledge and skills that they are acquiring in workshop TPACK classroom observation protocol is a tool to assess teacher application of their TPACK in classroom practice. Fifth level focus on learning & attitude of students - student survey tool is a questionnaire to assess the project influence on student learning and attitudes towards technology use in SME classes.
Looking back Questions or observations or general comments on course overview?