1 SUSTAINABILITY on Campus: University of Ferrara Francesco Dondi Department of Chemical and Molecular Sciences Rector’s Delegate for Sustainability Politics University of Ferrara
Decade Education of a Sustainable Development The United Nations Organisation (UNO) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) have emphasised the important role schools play in the education of sustainability, declaring that the decade , dedicated to the education of a sustainable development, aims to “integrate the principles, values, and practices of sustainable development into all aspects of education and learning, in order to address the cultural (social), economic, and environmental problems we face in the 21st century”
2012: Rio + 20 Outcome of the conference: the Future we want § 230. We recognize that the younger generations are the custodians of the future and the need for better quality and access to education beyond the primary level. We therefore resolve to improve the capacity of our education systems… to prepare people to pursue sustainable development… prepare students for careers in fields related to sustainability… we call for enhanced cooperation among schools, communities… 3
4 Sustainability Project Policy Statement Student Education Research Projects Sustainable Management Sustainability Documents Library Curricula Sustainability Activities & Projects
5 University has a fundamental responsibility in its educational activities: the students of today will be the future ruling class; their present behaviour will influence their families and society at large. What students learn today is placed in the context of their academic experience at the University: of what they study and of the examples their professors provide. From “The Policy Statement” Sustainability at University of Ferrara
6 Sustainability Project Policy Statement Student Education Research Projects Sustainable Management Sustainability Documents Library Curricula Sustainability Activities & Projects WEB SITE establishment Panel on Technological actions and controls Promote Sustainable behavior
7 Student Education TOOLS: access to Footprints calculators Free downloading: HANDBOOKS on Energy Sustainable Mobility water uses (dec. 2012) wastes UNIFE TV Broadcastings (2013) COMPETITION FOR THESIS PRIZES: 9 Prizes; 45 student thesis competitors Final: Dec Teaching Sustainability: Interreg Italy-Slovenia
8 Student Education & Curricula
9 Sustainability Books & Documents
10 WATER WASTES ENERGY Demateria- lization Demateria- lization Policy Statement Student Education Research Projects Sustainable Management Sustainability Documents Library Curricula Sustainability Activities & Projects SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT
11 WATER WASTES ENERGY Demateria- lization Demateria- lization Policy Statement Student Education Research Projects Sustainable Management Sustainability Documents Library Curricula Sustainability Activities & Projects SUSTAINABILITY: AWARDS BY ADMINISTRATION, RESEARCH GROUPS
12 PROJECT: Electronic and Technological wastes Job made by Rumenian families Toys make children happy The youngest was hospitalized and cured thanks to our contribution
13 Still Useful: How it works? Recovery of unused drugs but still useful at 11 Municipal Pharmacies of Ferrara Collection Managenent: Pharmacy without borders (no profit organization) Selection of drugs with cooperation of students of Faculty of Pharmacy Donation to no profit organization ~ Euros/year No Wastes Saving Environmental Justice
14 Ferrara, UNESCO World Heritage site, boasts the highest bicycle rider-ship rate in Europe. In Ferrara, bicycle is the best practice tool for urban transport University Mobility Manager reduction displacements employees and students subscriptions subsidized public transport shuttles
15 The heating of the University of Ferrara use the geothermal circuit underground city ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Sustainable Energy
16 The University of Ferrara has invested in photovoltaic system with its researches activities and installing panels in the main structures
The University of Ferrara was the first to made full VoIP infrastructure to convey all services voice on the network. re-use of many software cost cutting reducing development costs
18 Younger Generations are the Custodians of the Future Henri Matisse. The Dance AcknowledgementsSostenibile.unife Pasquale Nappi Paolo Frignani Sustainability Council Alessia Alberti Micaela Ara Silvia Riberti Acknowledgements Ethics & Science for the Environment Hartmut Frank Patrizio Bianchi Richard R. Ernst Gianna Borghesani Giuseppe Rossi Salvatore Mazzullo Acknowledgements Analytical Chemistry Research Group Maris Chiara Pietrogrande Maurizio Remeli Catia Contado Luisa Pasti Alberto Cavazzini Nicola Marchetti