INTRODUCTION The aim of personnel planning is to determine the needs for persons both in terms of number & type. For deciding about the number both present & future requirements should be taken into account. The type of person needed will be decided by studying the job requirements, etc. The educational& technical requirements to manage various jobs should be properly analysed so that right type of persons are employed.l
Recruitment is sometimes confused with employment Recruitment is sometimes confused with employment. Recruitment is just one step in process of employment. Similarly recruitment & selection are also different in nature .The function of recruitment precedes the selection process. Recruitment is concerned with developing suitable techniques for attracting more & more candidates while selection is the process of finding out most suitable candidate for job.
Meaning of recruitment Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees & stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation .Recruitment is a linkage activity bringing together those with jobs & those seeking jobs.
“It is a process of searching for prospective employees & stimulating & encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organisation .It is often termed as positive in that it stimulates people to apply for jobs to increase the hiring ratio,i.e.,the number of applicants for a job.”
Process of Recruitment Finding out the sources Developing the techniques Employing the techniques Stimulate the candidates.
FACTORS AFFECTING RECRUITMENT Size of organisation. Employment conditions. Salary structure & working conditions. Rate of growth.
RECRUITMENT POLICY A recruitment policy defines the objectives of recruitment & lays down the procedure to be followed for it .The sources to be used for employment will also be specified in the policy. While framing recruitment policy the corporate goals & environment should be taken into consideration.
Elements of Recruitment Policy Organisational objectives. Cost Factor. Identifying Recruitment Needs . Sources of Recruitment . Creterion for Selection.
Principles of Recruitment Policy To find & employ the best qualified persons for each job. To retain suitable & promising those who have been hired. To provide the best possible opportunities for long –term working career. To provide best possible opportunities for growth of personnel on job.
Prerequisites of a Good Recruitment Policy . It should be in conformity with company’s personnel policies. It should be adjustable or flexible enough to meet the changing needs of the organisation. It should be so planned that it develops the potentialities of employees so that they stay in the organisation for a longer period . The qualities of employees should match the job requirement for which they are employed. It should emphasize the need for job analysis. It should ensure organisation ‘s interest in personal goals & employment objectives of employees.
CONSTRAINTS ON RECRUITMENT Image of the organisation . Unattractive jobs. Organisational policies. Union Requirement. Government policies.
CENTRALISED VS DECENTRALISED RECRUITMENT In case of central recruitment ,personnel department at the central office performs the functions of recruitment, while in A decentralised system recruitment is undertaken at a unit level or zonal level.
Merits of Centralized Recruitment Cost of recruitment per candidate is low. Benefit of centralized promotion & transfer procedure. Services of expert will be available. Broad uniformity. Easy to transfer persons from one plant area to another. Line manages concentrate on work. Ensures effective & suitable placement to candidates.
Merits of Decentralised Recruitment Possible to recruit most suitable candidates. Thrust will be to go to those places where required persons will be available. Delay in recruitment under centralized system can be avoided . Units will have full information about recruitment process. Feedback system from employment will help in planning function. Units are free to use methods to stimulate prospective candidates. Units can exercise better control over persons. Can be done as & when needed.
Sources of Recruitment Internal sources External sources
Internal sources Transfers Promotions Present employees
Improves morale Proper evaluation Economical Promotes loyalty Internal source Merits Improves morale Proper evaluation Economical Promotes loyalty Demerits Limited options Lack of originality
EXTERNAL SOURCE every enterprise has to use external sources of recruitment to higher positions when existing employees are not suitable.
External sources Advertisement Employment exchanges Educational institutions Unsolicited applicants Casual callers Labour contractors Gate recruitment Walk-in interview competitors
Availability of suitable persons Brings new idea Economical External sources Merits Availability of suitable persons Brings new idea Economical Demerits Demoralisation Lack of co-operative Expensive Problem of maladjustment
Suitability of External sources The suitable candidates with skill, talent, knowledge, are available from external sources. It will help in bringing new ideas, better techniques and improved methods to the organisation. The selection of candidates will be without pre-conceived notions or reservations. The cost of employees will be minimised because candidates selected in this methods will be placed in the pay scale. The entry of new persons with varied experience and talent will help in human resource mix. The existing employees will also broaden their personality. The entry of qualitative persons from outside will be in the long-run interest of the organisation.
Basis Internal source External source Meaning Bases Time involved Cost Reference choice Internal source Recruitment is from within the organisation. It is generally based on seniority cum merit. Less time consuming. Cheap source of recruitment. No reference is needed. Limited choice External source It is the recruitment from outside employees. It is strictly based on merit and qualification. Time consuming exercise. Expensive source of recruitment Reference about previous work, conduct and character are needed. Wide choice
Recruitment practice in India In foreign countries commonly used methods for recruitment are employment referrals, casual applicants, advertising, local educational institutions etc. The recruitment methods followed by Indian industries are as follows: Internal sources Public employment exchanges Labour contractors Candidates introduced by friends and relatives. Casual labourers Private employment agencies/consultants Campus recruitment such as institutes of management, institute of technology, engineering colleges, university campuses etc. Sons of soul: Vacancies at lower levels should be filled from local people (followed in public sector undertakings) Reservations: There are reservations for persons belonging to particular castes and communities in government as well as private sector also.
Selection is the process in which candidates for employment are divided in two classes, those who are to be offered employment and those who are not.’’ -by Dadyoder Selection is the careful process of screening the pool of prospective jobs candidates develop at the stage of recruitment.
Need The appointment of suitable persons on various jobs is very essential. The selection of a wrong candidate will mean loss of time and money. After receipt of appropriate number of application through various sources of recruitment, Selection process starts. Purpose of selection process is to determine whether a candidate is suitable for employment or not. It becomes all the more important to scrutinise application properly so that those who are found unsuitable at first instance should not be called for tests or interviews. The selection of a right person will improve the Quantity and Quality of performance.
SELECTION PROCEDURE The selection procedure consists of a series of methods or steps or stages by which additional information is secured about an applicant. selection procedure may be compared to a series of barriers which an applicant is required to cross before he is finally selected .
STEPS :- Receipt and scrutiny of application Preliminary interview Blank application form Tests Interview Checking references Preliminary and final selection Physical examination Placement and orientation
RECEIPT AND SCRUTINY OF APPLICATION the personnel department gives information about new openings and receives their applications. The scrutiny of application is essential to take out those applications which do not fulfill the requirements of posts.
PRELIMINARY INTERVIEW This interview is to see whether applicants are suitable for the company both mentally and physically.
BLANK APPLICATION FORM It enables the personnel department to draw tentative inferences about the applicant’s suitability for employment.
The information collected in the application form relates to the following particulars : Bio- data Educational qualification Work experience Curricular activities References Salary demanded
TESTS The use of tests for making selection is the most controversial step. The selection of appropriate tests may give good results and help in appointing suitable persons.
CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD TEST Reliability Objectivity Consistency Standardisation
Guidelines for interview Selection of the interviewer Information about applicant Preparation for interview Making candidate comfortable Drawing out the best Concluding the interview
Physical examination The jobs may require certain standards as to height , eyesight, hearing ,etc . after the final selection candidates are required to appear for medical examinations .for civil services and military jobs , the candidates are appointed only when they clear medical test.
Placement and orientation The selected candidates should be given copies of rules , regulations , procedures , etc followed in the company .he should be given a detailed description of the job he is going to assigned . Proper orientation of an employee will help him to adjust easily in the new environment.
Difference between recruitment and selection It is positive in nature It involves encouraging candidates to apply. Recruitment process starts before selection. Ts main objective is to create pool of candidates. There is no restriction on the numbers of persons applying for the jobs. It is negative in nature It is the selection from amongst the qualified applicants. Selection starts after the process of recruitment. Its objective is to select the most appropriate person after eliminating others. Only restricted number of persons are selected