Outline of Acts 1:8
1 st Journey – Shifting of the Brotherhood’s Center of Gravity Jews Gentiles
1 st Journey – Shifting of the Brotherhood’s Center of Gravity Jews Gentiles
The Watershed of the Book of Acts The Jerusalem Council The Watershed of the Book of Acts The Book Of Acts
Acts 14:28 – 15:2 End of 1 st Missionary Journey Not everyone was pleased with the success of 1 st Journey Opponents retraced the steps of Paul & Barnabas, “reteaching” Opponents came to Antioch
Unless you are circumcised, according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved. (1) The Gentiles must be circumcised and required to obey the law of Moses. (5)
The Issue of the Jerusalem Council Do Gentiles have to become Jews in order to be Christians?
The Writing of the Galatian Letter A.D. 48 Galatians A.D. 48
The Letter to the Galatians Appeal to his apostleship – 1:1 Intense Letter – no prayer or thanksgiving – 1:6 You foolish Galatians – 3:1-3 My dear children – 4:19-20 If you are circumcised – 5:2
The Letter to the Galatians As for those agitators (5:12) Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision…. (6:15)
Paul & Barnabas Sent To Council (2) Both were “bridge-builders” Earlier work at “bridge- building” (12:21-26)
Peter and the Galilean Apostles James and the Judean Elders
15:5 “Jewish Christian” or “Pharisaic Christian” is not a Contradiction
The Jerusalem Council Peter spoke first – (Cornelius) Barnabas & Paul spoke next – about miraculous signs (12; 14:3) James, the brother of Jesus, brought it to a conclusion
Food polluted by idols Sexual Immorality Strangled Animals Blood
For Moses has been preached in every city from the earliest times and is read in the synagogues on every Sabbath. (15:21)
All items are associated with idol worship Apparently these were about fellowship, not salvation!
The Issue of the Jerusalem Council Do Gentiles have to become Jews in order to be Christians? No!
The Jerusalem Letter The church agreed on James’ conclusion. Letter sent to churches involved Paul and Barnabas took the letter Judas and Silas went as witnesses Gentile churches were “glad”
Journal Assignment #7 Reflect on a time in your life when you worked through a tough conflict and the resulting agreement turned out to be better than either of you had hoped.
Some time later…. Paul’s idea is to retrace 1 st trip Dispute over John Mark Result is 2 mission teams!!
After the Jerusalem Council, the church was at a tipping point! (Ready for explosive growth)