Solar Heat Collector Charbel Saghira Alejandro Forero Victor Berrueta Faculty Advisor: Dr. Andres Tremante Florida International University Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Problem Statement High Demand for green energy Solution of energy sources in developing countries Power generation is the single largest source of U.S. global warming emissions
Motivation Help lower carbon footprint of humanity Governments investment like incentives and tax breaks for renewable clean energy reduce the country’s dependence on foreign oil.
Objectives Design and Manufacture a compact solar heat collector Cost efficient way to harvest thermal energy To significantly raise the temperature of water
Industry Standards Local Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) Standard (January 2010) ISO 9806:2013, Solar energy — Solar thermal collectors — Test methods by International Organization for Standardization (February 2013)
Florida FSEC Low service hot water (SHW) and swimming pool solar collector. Hydraulic pressure (<25 psig) will be applied and monitored for 10 minutes Prevent Condensate buildup. Use desiccants (not sealed)
ISO 9806 Standard Section 9 - High-temperature resistance test using solar simulator Acrylic recommended max serv. Temp. 180 F Section 14 - Rain Penetration. 300kpa spray pressure Tested with water hose Section 16 - Mechanical load test with positive or negative pressure Pa (positive and negative), 5400 Pa (positive)
Timeline 2014 Timeline TopicMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Project Formulation Literature Survey Project Constrains Proposed Design Design and Analysis CAD Model Part List Cost Analysis Prototype Construction Prototype Test Final Report Final Presentation
Responsibilities Team member Tasks and responsibilities breakdown Alejandro Forero Research and design of system Solidworks Modeling of Solar collector System assembly and testing Charbel Saghira Cost analysis of system components Testing and manufacturing of prototype Material analysis for system components Victor Berrueta Solar Collector research and Modeling System assembly and testing Structural analysis
Environmental Impact Reduce humanity’s footprint All materials used are recyclable plastics or metals powered solely by sun light Zero emissions and pollutants
Background Information
Seasonal Variation of the Sun Solar angle of inclination Solar Azimuth angle
Seasonal Variation of the Sun
Theoretical Analysis Q required = Mass Flow C p ( Tout – T in ) E in – E loss = E out Q conduction = -k copper A c ( ∆T / L) Q convection = h A s ( T s – T ∞ ) Q rad = σ As ( T S 4 – T sky 4 ) E incident = I a A o
Theoretical Analysis Best Scenario Liter/min Irradiation1141W/m^2 Energy Transfer to the Tube52.03Watts Temperature Average in27.78°C Temperature Out27.97°C Reynolds Number N/A Nusselt Number N/A Heat transfer coefficient W/m^2. °C Temperature Out Final28.09°C Temperature Difference0.31°C Best Scenario Liter/min Irradiation1141W/m^2 Energy Transfer to the Tube52.03Watts Temperature Average in27.78°C Temperature Out28.17°C Reynolds Number N/A Nusselt Number58.67N/A Heat transfer coefficient W/m^2. °C Temperature Out Final28.36°C Temperature Difference0.58°C
Theoretical Analysis Worst Scenario Liter/min Irradiation795W/m^2 Energy Transfer to the Tube36.25Watts Temperature Average in27.78°C Temperature Out28.05°C Reynolds Number N/A Nusselt Number 58.67N/A Heat transfer coefficient W/m^2. °C Temperature Out Final28.19°C Temperature Difference0.41°C Worst Scenario Liter/min Irradiation795W/m^2 Energy Transfer to the Tube36.25Watts Temperature Average in27.78°C Temperature Out27.92°C Reynolds Number N/A Nusselt Number102.15N/A Heat transfer coefficient W/m^2. °C Temperature Out Final28.00°C Temperature Difference0.22°C
New Approach of Solar Collector Innovative design of solar collector Large surface area exposed to sun vs. low placement area No need for inclination angle Requires only solar energy
Why the shape? No need for solar tracking device Future improvement utilizing the focal point Surface area exposed to sun no matter seasonal variation
Prototype Construction Solidworks Modeling of solar collector
Prototype Construction Construction of Base Insulation to reduce heat dissipation
Prototype Construction Construction of 12 Equal sections
Prototype Construction Installation of copper tubing
Prototype Construction Painting of solar collector
Prototype Construction Solar collector
Prototype Video
Experimental procedure Experiment # 1 Temp. of exposed surface Vs Temp. of shaded surface Record maximum temperature of solar collector Part A. Test solar collector not painted Part B. Test solar collector painted black Test solar collector with and without cover
Experiment #1 Data Exposed surface temp. vs. Shaded surface temp.
Experiment #1 Data Exposed surface temp. vs. Shaded surface temp.
Discussion of Results Results from experiment #1 Results Experiment #1 Part A Surface TemperatureExposedShaded Δ temperature Actual Max temperature with Cover149°F136°F13°F Max temperature w/out Cover118°F95°F23°F Results Experiment #1 Part B Surface TemperatureExposedShaded Δ temperature Actual Max temperature with Cover180°F158°F22°F
Experimental procedure Experiment # 2 Water temperature Vs. Mass flow rate Record maximum water temperature running at 1.92 Liter/min and 3.82 Liter/min.
Experiment #2 Data Experiment # 2 Water (1.92 Liter/min)
Experiment #2 Data Experiment # 2 Water (3.84 Liter/min)
Discussion of Results Results from experiment #2 Difference from theoretical results Results Experiment #2 Water Temperature 1.92 L/min 3.84 L/min Max water temperature 112°F 101°F Temperature of water 87°F 90°F Δ temperature 25°F 11°F Difference Actual Vs. Theoretical Experiment #2 Water Temperature 1.92 L/min 3.84 L/min Δ temperature Theoretical 1.44°F 0.66°F Δ temperature Actual 25°F 11°F
Cost Analysis Total project cost = Total project cost = $ 3,3393 Materials = $ Labor = $ 2,892 Tools = $ 97.58
Life-Long Learning Design Collaboration Brainstorming Acquisition and Allocation of Resources Budgeting Learn manufacturing methods or skills before construction
Conclusion Continuous Design Effort Significant results achieved with compact design Free usable energy Worldwide application design
Recommendations Optimum flow rate needs to be determined Copper tubing wrapping alternatives Improve methods of data collection by using more apparatuses