Our project is about the make, model, and style of cars in the Central Bucks parking lot and the parking lots of Regal 22 and the Montgomery Mall. We are also going to be looking at the makes of the cars, specifically if it is an import or an American made car.
-One of us will go to each parking lot and we will record every 3 rd car. We will be writing down the make, model, and the style of each of those cars. Make being the car manufacturer, model being the actual car name, and style being if it is a SUV, truck, sedan, van, or coupe.
We will have a 1-sample Z-test for the makes of the cars. We will be looking to see if there are more imports (cars not made in the us) in the parking lots than Domestic cars. We will be making a 95% confidence interval with this. We will also be doing a chi squared test of the styles of the cars. We expect all the 5 styles to be the same. Our last test is a 2-sample Z-test comparing amount of SUVs in the CB South parking lots of the Regal 22 and the Montgomery Mall. We will also be making a 95% confidence interval with this.
Once we have gathered all of our data we will put it into a number of charts. From there we will break the charts down into different manufacturers, model and style. Each one of our charts will be separated into which parking lot the sample came from.
Some areas of error that we could have experienced that would have affected our data were… Car meets going on Time of day Weather Type of place surveying
1769-the first self propelled car was built 1801-first steam powered cars in Britain to transport passengers 1858-first coal gas engine. Completed a 50 mile road trip
1865-the first speed restrictions introduced in UK, 2 mph in towns 1876-first successful and reliable four stroke engine
1886-first vehicles driven using internal combustion engines developed 1894-Grand Prix racing begins 1896-first road traffic death in London
1903-Ford motor company established, manufactured a model T in 93 minutes, 15 million manufactured 1997-car manufacturers go green. Toyota builds first hybrid for public
CB South Parking Lot
Regal 22
Montgomery Mall
2 Proportion z-test on Number of SUV’s in Central Bucks South Parking Lot compared to the parking lots of the Montgomery Mall and the regal 22 CheckState 2 independent SRS’s1. 2 Systematic Random Samples(independent) n 1 p ̂ 1 ≥ 102. (43)(.339)= n 1 (1-p ̂ 2 ) ≥ 10 (43)(.661) = n 2 p ̂ 2 ≥ 10 (84)(.661)= n 2 (1- p ̂ 2 ) ≥ 10 (84)(.339) = Population 1 ≥ 10(n 1 )3. Population 1 =430 Population 2 ≥ 10(n 2 ) Population 2 = 840
Ho: P cbs = P other Ha: P cbs < P other Z= = P(z < ) = 1.339x10 -7 We reject Ho because p-value is <.05. We have sufficient evidence that the number of SUV’s in the Central Bucks South Parking lot is less than the Montgomery Mall and the Regal 22.
Confidence Interval (p ̂ 1 - p ̂ 2 ) ± z*= (-.432, ) We are 95% confident that the difference between proportions of CB South and the other parking lots is between and
Chi 2 Goodness of fit test on the style of cars StateCheck SRS 1. Systematic random Sample All counts (expected) ≥ ≥ 5 Ho: The observed frequency distribution of styles of cars fits the expected frequency distribution. Ha: The observed frequency distribution of styles of cars does not fit the expected frequency distribution. TrucksSedansSUV’sVansCoupes 92.8 TrucksSedansSUV’sVansCoupes Expected X2 = ∑ = + +…= P=(x 2 > |df=4) = 7.35x We reject Ho because p-value is <.05. We have sufficient evidence that the observed frequency distribution of styles of cars does not fit the expected frequency distribution Observed
Our Thoughts We thought that there would be more imports than domestic cars We also thought that there would not be an equal amount of all different styles of cars We lastly thought that there would be more SUVs outside of the CB South parking lot
HARD Name the manufacturer who makes this model car