instructor with Tablet PC PC driving classroom projector WIRELESS Instructor View Classroom Presenter: A Tablet PC-based Presentation System Richard Anderson٭, Ruth Anderson , Tammy VanDeGrift٭, Steven A. Wolfman٭, and Ken Yasuhara٭ We thank the many students, teaching assistants, and instructors who provided feed- back on the system and participated in studies. We also thank innumerable colleages at our institutions and in the Microsoft Research Learning Sciences & Technology group. This work was supported in part by a grant from Microsoft Research. Acknowledgments ٭UW CSE, Seattle, WA U. of Virginia, Computer Science, Charlottesville, VA Contact information U. of Washington, Computer Science & Engineering Education & Educational Technology Group Overhead projectors and whiteboards offer instructors the freedom to adapt presentations to suit the audience. Existing computer-based presentation tools such as PowerPoint are less flexible but offer advantages in preparing structured presentations with high-quality examples and illustrations. Classroom Presenter provides novel navigation and handwriting features motivated by experience with the system in real classrooms and fully integrates the advantages of computer-based presentation systems with the flexibility of handwriting provided by conventional systems. Beyond Conventional and Computer-based Presentation Classroom View Ongoing Use of Classroom Presenter 15 courses, 10 instructors, ~1400 students In-Class Studies, Iterative Design Classroom Presenter has been enthusiastically received by students and instructors. Student Responses About Classroom Presenter (vs. PowerPoint & whiteboard) In interviews, the instructor said handwriting on the Tablet PC was very natural. He said he could give more engaging presentations, because he could draw pictures and provide stimulus for the students. The instructor repeatedly mentioned to the class that he loved using Classroom Presenter, even telling them he wished he could use the system in his other courses to make them better. Student and Instructor Response High-quality handwriting directly over slides allows instructors to extem- poraneously augment prepared slides. Handwriting on a separate layer from the slides allows instructor to scroll off handwriting to accom- modate additional notes—“virtual mylar.” Shrinking the current slide expands margin space for additional handwriting without losing presentation context. Filmstrip View displays current slide in context of next and previous slides, including handwriting. Instructor can click on a slide to navigate directly to it. Toolbar includes choices of pen color and type (marker vs. highlighter), erasing handwriting, switching to whiteboard mode. Wireless networking allows instructor to move freely about the classroom or even hand the tablet to students, e.g., to handwrite solutions to in-class exercises. Separation of Instructor and Classroom views allows instructor’s interface to be tailored for fast, direct access to useful features, e.g., filmstrip view and notes displayed only to the instructor. Background Study course: distance-learning cryptography setup: PowerPoint and digitizing whiteboard Background Study course: distance-learning cryptography setup: PowerPoint and digitizing whiteboard design lesson: integration of handwriting directly over slides Pilot Studies courses: distance-learning databases; large, non-distance intro programming setup: successive versions of Classroom Presenter design lessons: separation of instructor view with handwriting and presentation controls; value of wireless instructor device Deployment Study course: large, non-distance intro programming setup: Classroom Presenter less no change more Attention to lecture 4%39%57% Understanding of lecture 2%52%46% System Architecture Ken Yasuhara: important setting for printing for PDF distilling (and probably best to do for wide-body printer, too): printer’s advanced properties -> Graphic -> TrueType Font: Download as Softfont Ken Yasuhara: important setting for printing for PDF distilling (and probably best to do for wide-body printer, too): printer’s advanced properties -> Graphic -> TrueType Font: Download as Softfont Classroom Presenter is available free for educational and research use: