Welcome to Financial Aid JEOPARDY! Nathan Basford Hamida Faquir Academic Finance Corporation
The Rules The Team furthest from “Alex” (played by Nathan) on his left goes first Teams will rotate players at the buzzer (no consulting allowed!) You must answer in the form of a question in all three rounds –Failure to do so will result in an incorrect answer Please wait for question to display and be read prior to “buzzing” If you answer correctly, you receive the point value If you answer incorrectly, you lose point value – the next flashing buzzer team gets to answer the question (you must wait until “Alex” has clearly stated that the answer is incorrect) –If this team does not answer correctly the remaining 2 teams have a chance to buzz in again –If you answer a “blue” question correctly, you receive a prize Team that correctly answers the question gets to select the next category If nobody correctly answers the questions, then the team who previously selected gets to select again The judges decision on all “questions” is final
The Rules We will play 2 rounds, plus Final Jeopardy! –We will tally points in between each round –The last place team selects first in the second round We will play until all questions are answered, or, there is 10 minutes remaining in the session, at which time we will play Final Jeopardy! Prior to Final Jeopardy, the teams must consult and write down the amount of money they wish to wager For Final Jeopardy, teams can consult on the answer (This is the ONLY time that you may consult with your team mates) –Write the team’s answer on an index card –Appoint a team member to read your answer & reveal your wager Winning team receives a prize
Aggregate loan limit for independent undergraduate students Annual Stafford loan limit for graduate students Process in which school collects tax forms and checks accuracy of FAFSA U.S. Secretary of Education $400 $600 $800 $1000 The FAFSA website $200 PJ/EFC Verification/ FAFSA Financial Aid 101 KASFAA Divorce, separation, death, loss of income Divorced parent that must provide FAFSA data for a dependent student The IRS website Earned income threshold at which a person must file a tax return Household size, number in college, AGI, U.S. taxes paid, certain untaxed income and benefits Parent contribution (income, assets) student contribution (income, assets) Cost of attendance minus expected family contribution Child Support, social security, earned income credit, payments to tax deferred pensions AGI Form used to verify Adjusted Gross Income KASFAA’s highest award is named for him Number of original members that met on March 29,1967 to form KASFAA Date of the next KY College Goal Sunday event Most likely to introduce himself as “Chicks dig Me” Chair for the Budget and Finance Committee Approximate number of current KASFAA members Site of the next KASFAA Spring Conference The KASFAA website address Next Year’s KASFAA president The current KASFAA President $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000
SMART SAP NSLDS ACG $800 $1200 $1600 $2000 COA Conference Student Loans AcronymsFAFSA KASFAA The borrower on a Parent PLUS loan The maximum number of days “late” a late disbursement can be made to a school The number of days past due it takes for a loan to be considered in default The stafford loan limit for grade level 2 student The annual minimum due on Stafford Loans in Repayment Address of conference Hotel here in Louisville General Session 1:30 -2:30 The title of General Session on Thursday from 9-10 am One of the three Concurrent Sessions Today from 10:15-11:15 The Theme of this conference Two possible requirements to be considered “independent” Question number one on the FAFSA The place on the FAFSA where Child support received is reported The website used to obtain a pin to sign the FAFSA on-line Number of Current members Location of the next KASFAA conference Year KASFAA was founded The color of the 2007/2008 FAFSA $400 $800 $1200 $1600 $2000 $400 $800 $1200 $1600 $2000 $400 $800 $2000 $400 $800 $1200 $2000 $400 $1600 Who is the current Past President $1600 Vice President of Training $1200
Final Jeopardy! Reauthorization
Final JEOPARDY! The last year in which the Higher Education Act (HEA) was reauthorized?
What is 1998
Thank You for playing Financial Aid Jeopardy!