FMP Update to the Congregation Sunday July 20 and 27, 2014
Meeting AGENDA Summary of the phases Current status Schedule for Phase 1 construction Sanctuary schedule Lower narthex bathrooms schedule Expenditures and Funding
Architect and Contractors Architect: John Faile (Bay Village, Ohio) General Contractor: Lawler Construction Lighting Contractor: Vincent Lighting Technology Contractors: Jeff Frey, NPI
Facility Modernization Program Team Members Grant Comnick Doug Olson Jan Saunders John Cuciak Pr. Bishop Phil Sprague Charlie Koch Barb Raynoha Ron Kear Craig Jagels Jeff Frey
What does Phase 1 include? Sanctuary upgrades: Expanded platform Two large screen TV’s Sound system Lighting, white wall upgrades Upper window blinds, window film Chairs Emergency exit platform (courtyard) And more on next slide……
What does Phase 1 include? (cont’d) Narthex improvements: Lower bathroom upgrades Narthex air conditioning Narthex lighting upgrades Fireplace upgrade Fire system replacement Parking lot lighting upgrade Electrical upgrade
Current Phase 1 Status Design decisions are completed for: Sanctuary cross Sanctuary platform Sanctuary large screen TV’s Sanctuary white wall upgrades Sanctuary chairs Sanctuary lighting upgrades Lower narthex bathrooms Narthex air conditioning Narthex fireplace upgrade
Construction schedule Phase 1 Sanctuary work will be a two-week period, with completion by August 31. We will worship in the Fellowship Hall during that time period. Upgrade of lower narthex bathrooms will be a two-week project, completion by August 31.
What’s next (beyond Phase 1) Improvements in: Education Wing Administration Wing Fellowship Hall & Kitchen Deferred Items from Phase 1
FMP Project Expenditures TOTALS $700,000 $300,000 for What's Next in 2015 and 2016 $400,000 $290,000 remaining expenses for Phase 1 Sanctuary, Narthex, Fire System $110,000 $110,000 Spent to-date on Phase 1
FMP Total Funding TOTALS $700,000 $233,000 still needed in pledges for ALL 3 phases $51,000 needed in 2014 for phase 1 $467,000 $103,000 pledged for 2015,2016 $364,000 $67,000 additional pledged by end of 2014 $297,000 $297,000 received to date, including Building Fund, Calvary Income and 2014 Pledged, Received to Date 66% of the funds are committed for this entire project. 87% of the funds are committed for Phase 1. Thank you.
Phase 1 Funding Summary 87% ($349,000) of funds are committed for Phase 1. $51,000 are still needed for Phase 1 this year. We have two options: Additional Pledges in 2014 Borrow the funds in 2014 Thank you for your prayerful consideration in 2014.
Total FMP Funding Summary 66% ($467,000) committed for the total project. $233,000 (including $51,000 Phase 1) are still needed for the entire project. Thank you for your prayerful consideration for the remainder of the project as well.