EVENTS 2014 Mansehra Public School & college Pakistan
Outline Introduction Bazm – e – Adab Annual Fancy Dress Show / Mothers Day Prize Distribution Ceremony Annual Sports Week Deputy Commissioner Visit Annual Parents Day / Prize Distribution Ceremony International Disability Day Saving Electricity Seminar International Volunteers Day SQC Training Workshop Annual Science Competition First Aid Training Workshop Other competitions
Introduction Mansehra Public School was established in From the start the focus has always been on curricular activities as well as co curricular activities. The school calendar is full of activities spread around the year. Some of the activities are introduced in the coming slides.
Bazm – e - Adab It is held at least once in a month. Different activities and competitions are held among students. The competitions include Debate, Collage, Poster, Poems, Quiz, Drawing, Play dough, Drama, Calligraphy, Story forming, Card making, Joke telling etc The activities are planned and managed by the students.
Annual Fancy Dress Show/Mothers Day Every year in the month of June Annual Fancy Dress Show/Mothers Day is celebrated. Previous year the event was held on 29 th June 2014
Prize Distribution Ceremony 9 th position SSC Examination 2014 Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Abbottabad 2nd position SSC Examination th position HSSC Examination th position HSSC Examination th position SSC Examination 2014
Students Quality Circles Training Workshop 5 th June 2014
Annual Sports Week st to 6 th September 2014
Annual Sports Week Sports are an important part of school calendar in this institution. Every year in the month of September, sports week is celebrated. In 2014 the sports week was conducted from 1 st to 6 th September. The students are divided in three houses and different sports competitions are held among houses.
Annual Science Competition th November 2014
Annual Parents Day / Prize Distribution Ceremony Every year Annual Parents Day / Prize Distribution Ceremony is held in the month of November. Previous year the event was held on 30 th November 2014 Chief guest of the occasion was Sardar Muhammad Yusuf ( Minister for Religious affairs and Inter-faith harmony). The event is celebrated to honour the students who have achieved distinctions during the year in academic and co curricular activities.
Parents Day Glimpses
International Disability Day 3 rd December 2014
Saving Electricity Seminar In collaboration with PESCO (Peshawar Electric Supply Corporation) an awareness seminar was organized to save electricity
International Volunteers Day 5 th December 2014
Deputy Commissioner Visit 8 th December 2014 Deputy Commissioner of District Mansehra is also the Patron of the institution. The new posted DC visited the school and interacted with students in the month of December 2014.
First Aid Training 3 Day Training Workshop 1 st to 3 rd November 2014 In collaboration with Pakistan Red Crescent Society 22 Students and 2 Staff members attended the Training
Other Competitions Students of the institutions also took part in different completions arranged by other schools. The performance of the students remained outstanding in every competition and students were able to bag positions everywhere. Some of the competitions included Junior Joy th Regional Convention on Students Quality Circles 6 th National Convention on Students Quality Circles Annual Naat Competition etc