“recycling organic materials” MHOOSA COMPOST How to use and benefit from our compost bins.
Which bin is which? Bin on the right: Begin the process; add scraps. Bin in the middle: Step two of composting. Bin on the left: Finished product; usable.
What works: Coffee Grounds Tea Bags Fruit/Veg Peelings Crushed Eggshells Corn cobs, banana and orange peels take a very long time to compost or break down. Chop them up before adding to the pile.
What does not work: Yard Waste Compostable Bags Fruit/Veg Pits Avocado Skins & Pits Pineapple Tops
Now what? Tips on using your compost.* As Soil Enrichment in Vegetable and Flower Gardens: Add from 1”-3” of compost to your soil and work it in well. As Mulch Around Trees, Shrubs, or Plants: Compost used as a mulch will help suppress weeds, reduce soil erosion, moderate the soil temperature, and conserve soil moisture. Compost will also make a cozy home for earthworms, who help aerate the soil. Compost Tea: Compost can also help you get a nutrient-rich liquid fertilizer. Place some compost in a gunnysack or similar bag of loose woven fabric. Soak the bag in a barrel or bucket of rainwater for three days. Use this to water your plants. It will feed them and stimulate growth. * Minneapolis City of Lakes, Solid Waste & Recycling:
Resources compost yard-and-garden/