2014 IHSCDEA UPDATE Region 5 Steve Scott IHSCDEA Past President
October 2013 Finished up fall workshops Membership Increased by 100 over 2012 Region Total # of Members 2011 Total # of Members 2012 Total # of Members Totals2012 Totals2013 Totals Region $2,973.00$1,283.00$4, Region $2,153.00$2,020.00$1, Region $2,743.00$2,385.00$2, Region $2,294.00$2,105.00$2, Region $1,025.00$1,150.00$1, Region $1,225.00$1,025.00$1, Region $1,070.00$955.00$1, Region $1,305.00$1,470.00$1, Region $815.00$865.00$1, Region $1,620.00$1,350.00$2, Totals $17,222.00$14,606.00$22,609.00
November Nov. 11 Strategy meeting for legislative action Nov. 13 Dr. Gruber and Dr. Ritzel on ADTSEA committee for work D.C. teacher endorsement programs nationwide Glenbrook South (Region 2) Driver Ed program honored by Illinois Secretary of State Nov. 17- Tornado strikes Washington 6 members live two lost homes Brent Johnston drove truck and trailer to work on cleanup for four days. We have six members including two on the BOD who live in Washington. Donation of $200 to Relief Fund Jim Archambeau contacted ISOS re; Funding 31 fund got back good dialogue Worked with IFT lobbyist Cynthia Reismen on funding legislation
December Pension vote SB1 Letter from SOS regarding public hearing on SB 772 Adult Education on Jan. 8 Contacted Cullerton regarding a meeting with him on funding DE State Farm issues a grant for $ for use for apps and legislators.
January Jan. 21 Dr. Gruber,. Steve S. to Springfield to testify to SOS regarding Adult Education bill. PA Jan. 22. Jim A. Dan K, Brent J. and Steve S. went to Bilandic Building in Chicago to meet with Sen. Cullerton regarding funding, appropriations, revenues, additional sources of revenue and task force.
February/Marc h Feb. 28- Presented at Naperville North Conference Ralph, Dennis, Dan, Brent March 15- Sent out proposal applications to IASB, IASA, IASP and IHAPERD for Brent’s Presentation on Costs March 31-PA Adult Driver Education Rules Language Hearing and responses ISOS Approves Administrative Rules (Watch for online courses and trying to get credit for it ISBE ?
April Stopped amendments to bill immediate call to action!!! We need everyone to call the legislators listed below immediately!! Amendment 001 to HB 5008 drafted by Representative Morrison R- Palatine would allow school districts to contract out DE without any due process or oversight from the public or ISBE. 004 to HB 5010 allows for proficiency out of 3 hours BTW. Illinois State Board of Education Division of Funding and Disbursement Services Driver Education Cost Report (PA , 105 ILCS 5/ ) rpt pdf rpt pdf
May May 7- Met with ISOS, IFT, and ISBE in Springfield capital to discuss funding and increasing the permit fee. Successful May 7-Met with IDOT to discuss our position and for NHTSA assessment May 7-9 Successful State Conference Attendance 146. Up 25 people.
Funding From ISBE School Year Appropriation Classroom Laboratory Class Amount Lab Amount (FY15)$17,900,000106,90297,192$33.48$ (FY14)$15,000,000106,90396,347$28.06$ (FY13)$17,500,000108,495100,102$32.26$ (FY12)$24,229,600112,448100,239$43.10$ (FY11)$24,229,600120,820110,309$40.11$ (FY10)$17,929,600123,609106,577$29.05$ (FY09)$17,929,600132,796117,456$27.01$122.14
Districts With Large Class/BTW Discrepancies SchoolClassroomBTW% BTW SchoolClassroomBTW% BTW Argo %Oak Park Bremen % Lincoln Way Crete-Monee % Rockford E. St. Louis % Rockford Elmwood Pk %Peoria Grayslake % VS. Indian Prairie JS. Morton %Naperville701 Leyden %Plainfield McLean Co % Proviso % Round Lake % Thornton %
June/July Executive board meeting went well. New treasurer and President-Elect voted in at Spring Conference. Accepted proposal by IAHPERD Convention in November Met with Cynthia Riesling to prepare legislation to increase permit fee Notified by IDOT that there is money available for assessment IHSCDEA curriculum committee working on accepting ADTSEA 3.0 as curriculum. Seeking grant money to make ancillary materials available for all districts.
August and Beyond 1. Very successful Spring Conferences in 2013 and Increased reimbursement to Driver Ed. fund 31 for this coming year with ISBE 3. We have a lobbyist who is developing legislation to increase the permit fee with ISOS for increase in fund Sept. 4 th Met with IDOT officials to discuss feasibility of a Driver Ed. Assessment with NHTSA. 5. Sept. 16 th Second meeting with IDOT and NHTSA reps re: Assessment 6. Writing a grant to adopt ADTSEA 3.0 as our official curriculum and purchasing ancillary materials for schools across the state. 7. Establishing online registration for 2015 Spring Conference and improving online membership.
Goals for Legislation to increase permit fee to ? Adopt ADTSEA 3.0 Curriculum as Official State Curriculum Provide opportunity for schools to obtain 3.0 Be directly involved with NHTSA/IDOT State Driver Education Assessment Increase total dollar amount in Fund 31 to 20 million
Goals for Have a member at every HS in Illinois Line up presenters for 2015 Conference Provide online registration for state conference Provide online presentation proposal and corporate sponsorship applications. Seek new people to assist in our social media, website and IDEA Journal.
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