by Luca and Matthew
menu Place value Expanded notation trading
Place value Place value is very important because if we didn’t know place value we would not know how to write numbers. Place value was invented by the Greeks If we didn’t know place value we wouldn’t know maths altogether Place value is units, tens, hundreds, thousands and tens of thousands (ones, longs, flats, blocks)
Expanded notation Expanded notation is making a number easier to say. An example is 2641 in expanded notation is Expanded notation was also invented by the Greeks
trading Trading is similar to place value. I will show you an example=17+28=45. How I know that is first you do 7+8=15. Because it is more than 10 you give the 10 to 1+2 Which is the 10s. Then 1+2+1=4. Add the 4 and the 5 together is 45. Trading is also invented by the Greeks.
The End