Choke Cherry Tree Fairly straight with narrow rounded crown Branches point upwards Bark reddish brown smooth Bark marked by orange, horizontal, dots on older trees Size – 3-8m Leaves have sharp pointed tips Uneven teeth on margins Small white flowers Small round bright red brries on a single pin like stem Found in open woods, bluffs, and along river banks throughout Alberta. Intolerant of shade
Tamarack/Larch Slender with a straight trunk Bark thin, smooth, grey when young, becomes dark reddish-brown and scaly when older Branches curved slightly downwards Leaves – needle-shaped in feather like clusters Needs are long, soft, flexible, pale green turning bright yellow in autumn Sheds needles in fall Long cones that are red. Open in the autumn and live on tree through winter Found in swamp areas where in central and northern Alberta where it receives plenty of light Can also be found on valley slopes
Lodgepole Pine Tall, slender evergreen with a straight trunk Bark is orange-brown, somewhat scaly Branches curve upwards m high Needles in bundles of 2. Long, spirally twisted, stiff, very sharp pointed Short egg shaped cones that remain on trees for many years Grows on a wide variety of sites. Prefers to grow in well drained sandy soils in the western part of the province
Aspen poplar Also known as trembling aspen Slender with a long straight trunk and rounded crown Bark is smooth, greenish white when young, becoming blackened and furrowed near base on older trees Branches only high up on older trees 20 meters high Leaves - Alternate, simple, rounded, abruptly pointed at tip Small hairy catkind appear before the leaves Fruit – small green capsules in catkins which split when ripe to form a cotton mass Very common and widespread through forested regions Leaves tremble with slight breezes because of flattened leaf stems
White Birch Other names: Paper birch, Canoe birch Small to medium sized Crown is oval when beside other trees, but pyramid shaped when it is in the open Branches are slender, twisted, pebbled, and brown. Smooth bark turning white with age, peels easily Leaves are alternate, simple, egg-shaped Flowers are catkins that droop Fruit are conelike catkins Common along riverbanks and moist wooded areas. Intolerant of shade
White Spruce Dense evergreen with straight trunk Bark is scaly, thin, grey to ashy brown. Branches are horizontal Average 25 meters high, can be taller if it has favorable conditions Leaves are needles that are long, straight, stiff, sharp-pointed, bluish green, and have an aromatic scent when crushed Cones that are cylinder shaped at the ends of twigs Cones open in the autumn and drop during the winter or spring Found in a variety of soil types and climatic regions
My Personality In general, are you: Easy to get to know or hard to get to know? Firm in your beliefs or do you go with the flow? Shy or outgoing? A rule follower or risk taker? Adventurous or content to stay at home? Young at heart or wise beyond your years? Enjoy being in a group or by yourself? A fan of the summer or winter?