Operating Range - The applicable operating range for unit with economizer features same like normal unit. However, the restriction of fresh air opening will occur in high ambient or low ambient in order to ensure the reliability of the unit. - For high ambient in cooling operation, fresh air opening will be restricted at not more than 15%. When the outdoor DB temperature is more than 50°C, the fresh air opening will be closed to 0%. - For low ambient in heating operation, fresh air opening will be restricted at not more than 10% to avoid cold draft issue. - It is recommended to select an appropriate fresh air opening by considering the whole operating range of the air-conditioner unit in both cooling and heating operation.
- На основе разности температур. - 3 диапазона работы (режим - охлаждения): диапазонOperating conditionУправление компрессором Управление клапаном(OA) 1T OA ≤15°COffОт 0% до 85% 2T OA > 15°C & T OA ≤T RA -3°C On если T set не достигнутаМин. величина подачи свежего воздуха 0% 3T OA ≥T RA -3°COn / OffМин. величина подачи свежего воздуха 10% T OA : температура наружного воздуха T RA : температура возвратного воздуха T set: уставка Логика управления Плата экономайзера
Economizer Control Setting Для включения функции экономайзера выполните установку переключателя DIP SW4-ВКЛ (по умолчанию ВЫКЛ) на главной плате контроллера и выберите установку “Economiser /(1) для параметра G6 На плате экономайзера расположены 4 dip-переключателя и 3 перемычки, которые позволяют выбрать требуемые установки в зависимости от условий
Economizer Control Setting -Dip Switch 1: мин. процент открытия клапана для подачи свежего воздуха (нагрев) *По умолчанию: 0% (все OFF). -Dip Switch 2: ин. процент открытия клапана для подачи свежего воздуха (охлаждение) -: * По умолчанию : 10% (все OFF). Dampers Opening (%) SW1SW2SW3SW4SW5SW6SW7SW8 5ONOFF Reserved 10OFFONOFF 15OFF ONOFF 20OFF ONOFF 25OFF ON Dampers Opening (%) SW1SW2SW3SW4SW5SW6SW7SW8 0ONOFF Reserved 5OFFONOFF 15OFF ONOFF 20OFF ONOFF 25OFF ON
Economizer Control Setting -Dip Switch 3: CO 2 PPM level threshold value selection: PPM (%) SW1SW2SW3SW4 25ONOFF 50OFFONOFF 75OFF ONOFF 100OFF ON *Default: 0% (no selection, all OFF). - Dip Switch 4: Type of operation, which include the following selection:- DIP Switch 4OFFON SW1Differential temperature operationNo Function SW2Economizer ModeFresh Air SW3Overcooled protection is not activatedOvercooled protection is activated *Default: OFF for SW1, SW2 & SW3 CAUTION: Dip Switch 1, 2 and 3 allow only 1 pin selection. Multiple pins selection will cause error and the operation will go back to default setting. While Dip Switch 4 allow multiple pins selection.
Economizer Control Setting - Shunt jumper 1, 2 and 3: Minimum fresh air opening setting in fan mode, where by the selection of different pins will give different opening setting. Refer the table below for different fresh air opening selection:- JP1 = shunt jumper 1 JP2 = shunt jumper 2 JP3 = shunt jumper 3 Fresh air opening (%)JP1JP2JP3 0 (default)OFF 10OFF ON 20OFFONOFF 30OFFON 40ONOFF 50ONOFFON 70ON OFF 85ON Legend: OFF = Short pin 2 and pin 3 ON = Short pin 1 and pin 2